Nitnaht....commercial operations takeover the beach.

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Nitnaht....commercial operations takeover the beach.

Post by batman »

I am curious to know how everyone feels about the semi-permanent presence of Elevation Kiteboardings enterprise on the beach at Nitnaht?
I was surprised to see that Mary and Mark have taken over some of the prime camping spots upwind of the sauna. The area by the stump comprises a total of probably 5 campsites judging by former years use. Although they use this area for their daily lessons I believe they camp in the campsite area. Several points come to mind and I just want to open this up for discussion.
- Isn't there a limit to how many nights one can camp ?
- Isn't this public land held in stewardship by the Forest Service of BC?
- Is a business alowed to operate there and does it require a licence?
- Who has jurisdiction over the campsite operations? The Band? Or are they just supposed to operate it and collect day use fees.

I'll bet some of you think this is a bad thing to bring up but if some rules are not considered then It will just get worse every year and the fleet of jetskis will just get bigger and bigger. Much as I appreciate the availability of lessons at Nitnaht I really think they ought to maintain a lower profile and have their gear tent away from the beach. The origins of the Forest Service campsites around the province were for the equal and sensible sharing of these sites for general public use not for commercial operations to set up on.
Last edited by batman on Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Nitinaht Camping Beach

Post by Can't jibe »

I used to camp in this area on the beach. The area is now taken over by semi permanent structures and is unavailable for camping. It would be great if the owners of these structures would remove them and open up the beach for everyone to enjoy.
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Post by Joostio »

interesting post. I have thought the same things. I must say they are doing a decent job of rescuing with the jet skiis. Many kiters and windsurfers have benefited from thier pressence. Just some more food for thought. But yes, interesting post.
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Post by more force 4 »

What many people don't know is that everything upwind of the last parking circle is private land, owned by the forest company. I'm not sure, but I think purchase of this land as part of the Ditidaht Nation's land claim was on the table but hasn't happened yet. But for sure it isn't anything to do with the Forest Service campground or public land, even if we've treated it that way over the years.

I've never been rescued, nor have my various kids and friends I have introducted to the sport over the years here, but nowadays the jetskis are a real comfort to have around for that reason. I tolerate them for that, even if I don't like them otherwise. And if I ever take kiting lessons, its going to be at Nitinat and I'd want the instructor on the water with me.
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park boundry

Post by GWIND »

That may not be quite right MF4. A fellow working in the park last year told me that they had discovered that the park property line goes a bit further west than they thought it had. Who knows how far though. I think we have had these discussions before huh.
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Post by SaltSpringKiterPeaceGuy »

These are some interesting questions.

I have only been here six months as a teacher at the Ditidaht Community School, and before that not since 05, so many of the changes I see on the beach are very different but good, to me anyways.

I think there is one question which is not appropriate for this discussion and that is whether or not Marie pays her taxes. It's nobody's business but Revenue Canada's and Marie's. I would speculate though that Marie's moral fibre is quite strong and I would be surprised if she wasn't. Bottom line though is its not a point of discussion for this forum.

The question of length of stay and running a commercial enterprise is one that either Marie could answer, or those responsible for the campsite. I would suggest those interested in having these questions answered direct them to the appropriate people.

I believe it is in all of our best interests to facilitate the continual presence of Elevation at Nitinaht. Yes, they take up more space, but there are tonnes of sites the other side of their camp. I have seen other kiteboarding instructors operating without helmets. I have seen students poorly taught who have put their kites in trees and been hurt. I have seen negligence, poor judgement and arrogance prevail. Elevation kiteboarding operates with high standards of professionalism and dedication to bring new people into our sport safely. We are lucky to have them.

Not only are we lucky to have them, but the surrounding community are lucky to have them. Elevation has consistently supported the interests of local community members and given their youth a chance to experience kiteboarding.

From an environmental perspective they operate with the highest standards. They truck all of their garbage out and recycle as much as possible. Jetskii's are parked in appropriate areas where they will not damage the ecosystem.

Anyways, that's my 2 cents. Blunt, but honest and to the point.

Thanks a lot,

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Post by KUS »

Haven't been and won't been going soon but the tent on the beach has never bothered me, I have never seen anyone camp in that spot and the treed/roots area was not taken up by the carport tent lats I was up and you could easily camp /set up there. Also I think it's at or below the high tide mark so not part of the park I would suggest.

I despise the jet skis, they spoil the place. Nobody NEEDS rescue, swim ya bastards, I did way back. You could easily kayak and kite coach, be mighty fit at the end of the season, LOL. I loved the ride back in the Zodiac I got one day, what luxury.....I would have figured something out if it hadn't come tho, always plan to hike/swim out! Reminder: At least PAY for the rescues when you get them :twisted:

When people choose to live this way I'd say live and let live, envy of free spirits doesn't serve anyone. Biz licenses are a tax grab and do nothing but create expensive paper we all pay for. It would be nice to get some income tax into the hat tho to pay for the parks guy driving in in his new 4x4, maybe even GST, doubtful I guess.

We have too many rules but the ones we do have (or choose to enforce) should apply equally to everyone. I recall Dwayne being booted out before cuz he overstayed his 2 weeks and everyone else, whether they park there or camp or use the park to access the "non-park" land must also vacate 3 days every 2 weeks.....but then I am not sure this is not happening and really is a silly rule anyway :roll: I mean who doesn't want to get outta there for 3 days after a 2 week stint.... :idea: I suppose this should apply to camp hosts too :lol:
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Nitinaht..........commercial operations take over beach

Post by Ed »

batman and can't jibe,have you ever been to La Ventana?If you do go,make sure you stay at Baja Joe's LOL
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Post by Can't jibe »

I have been to La Ventana a couple of times. I think the last thing we want at Nitinaht is La Ventana style free for all where the people with the big RV's arrive early in the season and set up permanent camps on the beach for 3 months. Until recently people camping at Nitinaht have not set up La Ventana style permanent seasonal camps. There has been a long standing tradition to leave space for all campers. The semi permanent camps on the beach at Nitinaht exclude all other users from this area for the whole season.
In my opinion seasonal camps should not be set up on the beach.
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Post by batman »

dude.. this aint the third world ...yet ........... (or is Mexico 2nd world now that they have drug wars?)
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Post by BK »

Hey Batkook... If you are so concerned with these issues, maybe try talk to Marie personally and take your concerns up with her... Instead of hiding behind the aninimity of this forum... You sound like you are maliciously trying to go out to your way to discredit Elevation Kiteboarding. GET A LIFE!
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Post by The Dogs Bollucks »

Not sure if that was necessary . I'm definitely pro Elevation but not opposed to some healthy discussion .
My 2 cents :
- I really don't think they're taking up much space on the grand scheme of things .
- If anybody should be the beneficiary of their presence it should be the band ... either monitarily or through some gratis services to the local school kids
- If kiteboarding continues to grow at its current pace , having motorized support on the lake is going to prove itself as a necessary evil (I know that most of us learned through the school of hard knocks ... but one avoided death is going make their presence priceless .. and if their presence is eliminated it may have to provided at a cost to all of us
- I think Elevation is representing themselves in a very professional manner and would hope to think that they will continue to do so in the future.
- Having said that .. if somebody else chose to plant their roots there in the future and conducted themselves in an insavoury manner ... or several groups choose to do the same thing ... is there room , who suffers .. who gains . Its a pretty good topic .. but for now I think things are good
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You want a real doozy of a discussion ... wouldn't it be safer to switch the designated zones ... windsurfers upwind of the kiters
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Post by KUS »

The Dogs Bollucks wrote:Not sure if that was necessary

You want a real doozy of a discussion ... wouldn't it be safer to switch the designated zones ... windsurfers upwind of the kitersD
Not sure, maybe

As for switching zones, not really a discussion, it makes sense from a safety and interference front but would be totally backwards for the windlines & gusts (or layout for that matter)...try launching a kite at the point on a light day sometime or a windsurfer from the kiting launch area or sauna :lol:
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Post by batman »

Yo BK Broiler. Its not about Elevation themselves, Marie is a truly great person...Perhaps you should read my post a little more carefully before you freak out. The main point is that the campsites and beach area are for Everyone to use. Taking over a large part of the beach and not even 'camping ' there is somehow wrong. 5 or 6 tents could use that area. What gives them the right to take it over all year?
As I tried to infer...the school/lessons are great, The people who run those schools are really great people and I think they add a great resource to the sport. I'm sure we all want them to stay, I have used them myself, just keep it on a lower profile as far as the camping and beach presence is concerned.
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Post by BK »

Batkook... It's a big beach... Lots of spots to camp the last time I checked. You are right... Marie and Mark are great people, but when someone who is too scared to use their real name, hides behind a forum like this one, and tries to stir up shit... That's a whole new story. You are touching on some pretty serious topics that may be interpereted the wrong way by the wrong person...if you can appreciate that...
My name is Bille Kipling...have a look for me on the beach at Nitinaht, I'll be hanging around the kiteschool area. We'll have a beer and discuss it more.
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