Wind God at Nitnat

General discussions about the weather, incoming storms and swell, complaining, why is it always so windy at night etc.

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Wind God at Nitnat

Unread post by TURTLE »

Is there a wind god at Nitnat? or the island for that matter.

If so, does he/she have a name?

Are there any particular rituals that I have to perform for the wind to pick up again?


I am so jealous of those Kiters right now!! :?
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~ pimp hand ~
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Unread post by ~ pimp hand ~ »

do you have any old boards you can sacrifice? 8)

... i have a couple superstitions when it come to 'things NOT to do' , like
- never buy new gear and expect good wind anytime soon
- never leave wind to find wind
- never rig a sail before it's time
- never book an appointment on a Monday, or any other day if you can
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Unread post by jump'njibe'njim »

If I can add to things not to do; don't bring your gear. If I go to Victoria with my gear it is never windy. If I don't bring it I find myself driving around coming upon one windy spot after another and I say "Oh man, next time I'm gonna bring my gear."
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