are BigWaveDave & iserf the only people on here?

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are BigWaveDave & iserf the only people on here?

Unread post by wind_dummy »

i've tried to start topics and conversations , but it appears nobody has anything to say except you and i and Waterrose

i know the boards are pretty new, but i'm not posting anything else untill some of these lame_asses from the "community" start contributing!

i'm out.
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Unread post by Waterose »


The forum is relatively new, and it is the start of the season. I notice that lots of people view the messages as guests and could be waiting to see how it evolves. I value your wicked sense of humour and valuable contributions , which I sure others appreicate, so bring it on and please give it a bit more time
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Re: are BigWaveDave & iserf the only people on here?

Unread post by bwd »

wind_dummy wrote:i've tried to start topics and conversations , but it appears nobody has anything to say except you and i and Waterrose

i know the boards are pretty new, but i'm not posting anything else untill some of these lame_asses from the "community" start contributing!

i'm out.
Oh great thanks iserf - now I'm left to talk to myself. I guess I won't have too many arguments.

I'm not sure why there is such a lack of posts. There are a lot of members and if you look at the page views there is a lot of activity. I was hoping people would post more too and talk about their sailing and kiting sessions, where they went, where they are planning to go etc. I'd like to read about Gordons, Nitinat ot Cook Street sessions. I'm hoping more people will speak up soon. Oh well it is early yet and this is just an experiment to see if it is worthwhile...

Anyways, thanks for all the good posts iserf and don't go to far.

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Unread post by wind_dummy »

ok, ok, i'm just gonna lay_low for a while

thanks for the words of encouragement!

catch ya on the BACKside (of the wave)
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Unread post by bwd »

Also some people don't like to give their email addresses out. Since we are getting a lot of anonymous users looking at the pages, I now allowed anon users to post messages. We can see how it goes - maybe more people will post now that they don't have to become members and give out their email?? We might get some 'stupid' posts, but who cares, I can always delete them if they are offensive
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Re: are BigWaveDave & iserf the only people on here?

Unread post by Bobson »

wind_dummy wrote:i've tried to start topics and conversations , but it appears nobody has anything to say except you and i and Waterrose

i know the boards are pretty new, but i'm not posting anything else untill some of these lame_asses from the "community" start contributing!

i'm out.
Hey iserf, I have been reading all and trying to learn from what I read. I keep my mouth shut(fingers off the keyboard) pretty much as I'm still learning and don't want to sound like a dope! Anyways, just a point of view of a steady forum reader! I'll be up at Nitnat in June for the first time so if you see a big dude trying to waterstart, show him how to do it and tell him not to be such a dope!

ps. BWD/Waterrose/iserf, I appreciate your inspiration and feedback and will be sailing all summer. See ya IN the water!!
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Re: are BigWaveDave & iserf the only people on here?

Unread post by wind_dummy »

Bobson wrote: Hey iserf, I have been reading all and trying to learn from what I read. I keep my mouth shut(fingers off the keyboard) pretty much as I'm still learning and don't want to sound like a dope! Anyways, just a point of view of a steady forum reader! I'll be up at Nitnat in June for the first time so if you see a big dude trying to waterstart, show him how to do it and tell him not to be such a dope!

ps. BWD/Waterrose/iserf, I appreciate your inspiration and feedback and will be sailing all summer. See ya IN the water!!
hey Bobson,

i understand, no prob!

you should have a blast at Nitnat, you'll be waterstarting and ripping back and fourth before you know it!

it's a good time to be up there if the weather is right , solid winds
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