Legal aspect on "helping"a friend kiting

General discussions about kiting: equipment, setup tips, safety, where to go, where you should have been, lost and found
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Post by winddoctor »

GP wrote: I used to belong to a group whose motto was “Deeds not Words”. . Gord
Hopefully not this group:

Sorry, couldn't resist. These kite threads are getting very serious these days. Thanks for the legal footwork ,GP.
Poultry in motion
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Post by GP »

Too funny…nope, I can say absolutely it’s not the same bunch.

Agreed, time to change the tone. All the serious stuff has been covered pretty much to death.

See you on the beach...

Cheers all
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Post by ToesideT »

Very interesting...

I think Dale sums up a point we all need to remember this spring:

"this sport appears to be a "one" person deal, but truly it is a group sport as your actions do effect others around you...on the water and on the beach."

Deeds not words- Viewing this as a team sport is a worthy mindset -From extra safe launches, checking bridles, crossed lines- to chasing down crashed kites, lost boards, 'swimmers' -to steering kooks in the right direction, and encouraging the ignorant to: 'watch and learn or depart the beach'.... we can do alot of simple deeds, and dont have to be superheroes- :wink: to ensure the longevity and health of the local kiting community and continued access to our spots. and hopefully no deaths, bans or lawsuits.

From the Toeside
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Post by GWIND »

Very well put Toeside, I will try to live by that.
Thinking is over rated- Homer Simpson
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