Surf SUP recommendation

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Surf SUP recommendation

Unread post by KC7777 »


I have just sold my Naish 11'6"x30" SUP which which was great as a flat water SUP, but I find that I was using it less in flat water, and more in waves with a windsurfing rig and the 11'6" is just too big. I have also sailed a 10'6"x28" Naish SUP. I have found the 10'6" and 11'6" Naish SUPs very stable for me with a windsurfing rig in the waves.....I am still learning the art of SUPing mushy waves with just a paddle. I often longboard surf on a 9'0" or 9'4" surfboard, but can see me wanting to SUP surf more, but I definitely need windsurf rig compatability on my SUP.

I kind of like the Starboard SUPs in the Camo version as they have footstraps (and more durability). I can see myself practicing sail tricks with a 5.8M in light winds on it at Nitinat when it is not blowing, or SUP sailing it with a 5.0 in 10 - 12 wind at Tofino or Westport or Hornby Island.

I weigh approx. 170 lbs....does anyone know anything about the following surf SUPs.....all seem pretty close in volume. Prices are approx. $1,100 - $1,400 depending where you buy them. Wondering what the Starbord Hero is like to sail at 33" wide?

Starboard SUPs (ALL these have footstraps):
- Element (9'8" X 30") 141L
- Hero (9' X 33") 146L
- Converse (9' X 30") 136L

I also like the look of the JPs SUPs at Big Winds (but no footstraps on these):
- JP 10'8" (10'8" X 29.9") 145L
- JP 9'3" (9'3" X 29.5") 128L

Any comments about Surf SUPs appreciated.
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Unread post by sixlinewrasse »


Check out the ULI SUP!

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I don't think any of the ULI SUPs take a windsurfing rig, which is a key requirement of my next SUP.
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Like I have mentioned to you before, the hero is awesome on waves as well as to just mess around on. I actually find it to be more stable than the bigger boards, particularly in smaller waves/mush; it fits in the troughs better and there is less leverage tipping the nose up on the waves. It doesn't track as well as the longer and/or skinnier boards, and it doesn't glide as well, but I think that is the trade off you are going for. I didn't sail it, but I have sailed the 10' and 11' ish length starboards and they are tanks. The hero would be much closer to short board sailing and a lot more fun I reckon.

Oh, and the added benefit of the Hero is the size, we fit two of them inside a Focus focus locked up over night so that we wouldn't have to worry.
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Unread post by KC7777 »

hi nanmoo,

I am debating between the Hero (9'0" x 33") vs the Starboard 9'0 x 30" or 9'8"x30".....some people say do not go above 30" wide if you have some SUP/sailing experience as it does not turn as well (less performance both sailing and surfing).

But I also don't want to buy something too small. I don't see myself SUPing flat water with this board so I am leaning to either a 9'0" x 30" or 9'8" x 30"?

Did you actually try the 9'0" x 30" for SUPing? There is a 9'0x30" available in Vancouver (would save me a drive to the Gorge) before I hit Hornby Island and Tofino.

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Unread post by nanmoo »

I didn't try the skinnier 9 foot board (The converse), just the hero and the Whopper this year and the Blend and the Drive last year. Bart, the shop owner there, uses the hero quite often to surf the waves at Kanaha. I think width is going to make much less of a difference with regards to turniness compared to length. It some ways the rounder outline might actually help. There is a huge difference between the 10' whopper and the 9' Hero when you are trying to crank it around and catch a wave back to shore. That said the Whopper glides and tracks better and achieves better speeds. On the flip side it also pearls like a mofo if you don't fox trot back onto the tail asap!
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Unread post by KC7777 »


Here it is....the new surf SUP....a thing of beauty.....2009 Starboard 9'8" x 30" the saweeet looking' Wood Version with footstraps for windsurfing.

Heading to Hornby Island for a couple of weeks soon and then to Tofino for a week in later August to try it out.

Nanmoo - note the fresh KC7777 sticker.
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Re: New SUP

Unread post by nanmoo »

KC7777 wrote:Nanmoo - note the fresh KC7777 sticker.
At least no one will think it is theirs! Looks fun!
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Surf SUP recommendation

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Hawaiian Island Surf and Sport in Kahului, Maui sells their own brand of SUP. It comes stock with a mast track or at least it used to. If not you could special order it and they'll have Ding Kings put one in. ... hpath=1496

I have one of there 10'6" SUP's that I use in Maui. Works great!
go to
April 23rd for photo.

Also Cabrinha makes the 11'6" with a mast track. I haven't tried it, but I did surf the 9'8" SUP which felt like a real surf board.

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Surf SUP and footstraps

Unread post by KC7777 »


Just a comment about SUPs and footstraps after sailing the 9'8"x30" Starboard Element for the first time in 3' onshore mush at Tribune Bay, Hornby Island.

It was blowing 20 - 23 and I was powered up on a 5.0M wave sail. The board planes very well for its 141L size. I have the wood version and it feels quite light.

The funny thing is I never really used the footstraps the entire session (and footstraps is the one thing I wanted on my surf SUP). I sailed back and forth parallel to the beach right in the breaking waves/foam and periodically would turn downwind (towards shore) to surf some waves in. I found that my feet were moving all over the place and there is never a time that you lock in and sail in both straps. I was in the harness a lot but when I would turn downwind on a wave to surf in to shore, and unhook, my feet were then more in the middle of the board in surfing stance (and the footstraps just got in the way). So for wave sailing a SUP I don't think footstraps are that important. Though in sideshore they could be useful for lifting the board up and over incoming waves as you sail out?

PS - Randy - nice blog....everyone should check out the second link in the post above, nice read!
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Flatwater SUPing the 9'8"

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Just spent the day in almost flat water on the new SUP, even caught a few 1 foot rollers that came in to Whaling Station Bay, Hornby Island.

Anyway, I could not believe how stable the 9'8" x 30" (141L) Starboard Element SUP is to stand-up paddle in flat water. I weigh 175 lbs. It felt almost as stable as my Naish 11'6"x29.5" (230L) that I just sold?

It tracks pretty decently, and it turns very well compared to the Naish. It is easy to find the balance point and is easy to go from parallel stance to surfing stance. Will be trying it in bigger waves in Tofino next week.
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Unread post by downwind dave »

i think you would want at least a single rear strap, to help carry the beast around or manipulate it in the shorebreak. sailing in chop you could hook your rear foot in anyway.
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Starboard 9'0" x 30" $799

Unread post by KC7777 »


Check out Silent Sports....a 9'0x30" Starboard Extremist wood (135L) SUP for $799?

Windsurf capable with footstraps too!

dwd....go for it. ... Extremist/

Pretty sweet deal.

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Unread post by downwind dave »

niice! :shock: they probably want $250 to ship it. :lol:
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