New to Kiting?

General discussions about kiting: equipment, setup tips, safety, where to go, where you should have been, lost and found
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New to Kiting?

Unread post by cguygo »

None of my amigos in victoria are that interested or confident they can do it. Want to learn with me? I have been practicing the beginner techniques on a three meter trainer kite. I am pretty much at the point i can figure eight the kite with my eyes closed. If you are in the same position we could pool resources and team up on the cost of lessons, transportation/fuel costs, even equipment etc. To make the most of weather conditions/opportunities a two + hour drive makes more sense to carpool. I have found some ideal used equipment at a reasonable cost and should be fully equipped by the end of the month. If you don't have much experience and want to get a feel for the kite handling I fly the 3mt trainer kite when the wind is out, Usually in a field around McCauly pt. Come on out anytime during the day to test it out. This 3m power kite is tons of fun. It has been used to tow me on a sled and snowboard when the snow had fallen. and my longboard cruises well with the kite in the proper wind (at proper location). I am just a chill easy going character who loves an adrenalin filled sport. I have been eye'n up kiteboarding for a number of years and twenty eleven is finally the year for me. I am employed full time afternoons so there is no reason i cant get out on the water everyday. as long as im back by 16:00hrs :) The most important part for me is safety, which equals teamwork. Send an email if you wanna team up...
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Unread post by KUS »

I am sure later in the Spring u will get more people interested. Blind leading the blind is not necessarily a good thing....tho it can be entertaining :lol: and economical I suppose. I remember when....Kenny and I learned at the Nat together....

now he's a star and I kite once a year and still suck, must be some sorta transference that happened there back then...I mean, he could barely walk and chew gum at the same time without that movie where the guy sucks all the good stuff outta those brains of the dying geniuses.

Hey :shock: I never did know where I got that scar on the back o my head from...
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New to kiting

Unread post by dangerdane »

Sounds like you got the right idea with the lessons. If I could do it over I would have saved the money to pay for a lesson. I did get a beginner lesson that took me up to the body dragging point but should have taken them till I could go upwind. It's definately the safer way to start out, it will also help you avoid wrecking gear and making some of the kook mistakes I made starting out. Talk to the locals at the beach (and take their advice) get practice launching and landing kites. Summer will be here soon it's best to wait for the good winds. Check the forums for other threads on kite safety there's lots to read.

Good luck
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Unread post by KayakDoc »

Whoever stole Danger Dane and replaced him with this remarkably reasonable facsimile, please return him to us immediately and in the original condition. WE WANT HIM BACK!! :D
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Unread post by Globe »

haha fully agree.
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Unread post by dangerdane »

LOL you guy's obviously missed my selflaunch at Kookst yesterday in WNW crap wind.... :oops:
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Unread post by AC »

One day of lessons with strongkiteboarding will
Teach you in 1 day what it would take you a year to learn
On your own without injury or damage to your gear.
U get to try all the different sizes of kites and boards
And u will find the appropriate size of kite for yourself.
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Unread post by jayracz »

I would take you up on the offer. But I live in P.A. I started kiting in 2007 and had to go the way of self teaching. The info was not easily found at that time and being in Uclulet made it hard to find. Really was fun but slowed the process down alot. No one in the area seemed all that interested in partaking with me in the activity. So I ended up Landkiting with a mountianboard on longbeach because it seemed easier. I had a blast got heavly into large land foil kites. But come summer the tourist influx made it quite difficult to do that with as much freedom as I had before. And just when I was learning to bust out jumps :roll: Any how I think your on the right track. Hope you have better luck then me in making your kiting dream come true. I still haven't been in the water yet I have all the gear shiny and new too! :roll:
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kiteboarding lessons in Port Alberni

Unread post by Sandy Beach »

Hi Jay, if you are still interested in taking kiteboarding lessons, contact Matt through the Wild West Watersports website for more information on local instruction here for the upcoming thermal wind season.
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Unread post by jayracz »

I'm all for it sandybeach. But check out my Boken Tibia Fibula thead lol. Some guy's get all the luck and then there is me! :lol:
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Unread post by cguygo »

Isn't it spring already?? My daffodils are springing up everywhere!! I have been dreaming kiteboarding lately and im pretty good!! It must be those Kook st. kiters making it look so easy. Patience is a virtue i guess!!! but I wanna go now!!
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Unread post by KUS »

yeah.....not to Kook yet, please :!: :idea: :roll:

see related threads
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Unread post by dangerdane »

Aww common Kus the Kook Kite eating tree is hungry! :twisted:
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OUch Jay

Unread post by AC »

That must have hurt .
Some things you just cant learn by yourself .
Hope you get better soon.
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Unread post by cguygo »

Not to worry.... I'll be observing from the sidelines. for now :) My body has been through enough abuse and would rather spend time on the water as opposed to the recovery room. That's why i chose kiting. It's no impact, isn't it? :P Heal fast and Strong Jay!
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