cover up?

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~ pimp hand ~
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cover up?

Post by ~ pimp hand ~ »

doesn't anyone find THIS the least bit interesting ?
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~ pimp hand ~
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Post by ~ pimp hand ~ »

is this thing on ?? ... well, i'm on the 'cover up' side ... somebody obviously had a SCUD in tha back of thier truck
bone hed

Post by bone hed »

Mebbe it wuz de guy wit de sawn off Go board. Mebbe it blew of de rroof rak on da hi way on da way to de gass stashun. Mebbe de rocker of de board made de board curve in de air like a miisile 2 feets off de ground. Den: wammo! De Pent-a-gone. Dat's why some bodies don't like Kerry. He is a windbirder.
Pleeze be kare-ful you tie yur roof rack strapz tite. so you don't get a call frum de FBI.

Peaze out.

Post by NotReallyAllThatSurprised »

That was a bit disturbing . . . but not surprising really anyway. I just don't trust the neighours . . . or at least their leaders.
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Post by mortontoemike »

It's a hoax and a cruel one at that. If I had family who died on Flight 77 I'd be pretty chuffed about the website. As it is it is someone wasting our time.

Read this:

"Omar Campo, a Salvadorean, was cutting the grass on the other side of the road when the plane flew over his head. 'It was a passenger plane. I think an American Airways plane,' Mr Campo said. 'I was cutting the grass and it came in screaming over my head. I felt the impact. The whole ground shook and the whole area was full of fire. I could never imagine I would see anything like that here.'"
- "Pentagon Eyewitness Accounts." The Guardian, 12 Sep 2001

If you can't trust a guy who mows grass for a living who can you trust?

There are many such eyewitness accounts at
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cover up...

Post by voodmon »

wake up mb..aircraft leave debris, witnesses can be created, and 757 noway, look at the size of the hole, even if it possible could have penetrated the wall the hole is too small, and no way as far as it supposedly did, missiles are made to penetrate and travel way faster like mach2 at least...a 757 would have just compressed on is time the world woke up and smelled the roses and by jesus boy bushes roses stink :evil:
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Post by AirushDM »

All those cameras and no video footage ever released...Hmmm.
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~ pimp hand ~
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Post by ~ pimp hand ~ »

yeah, too many wierd things about this ... having an airliner flown into towers is one thing! ... allowing a missle to strike the pentagon ?... you can bet the US govt. would be quick to hide the fact someone got away with firing a missle at the pentagon from within the US.

cover up

Post by Guest »

hey pimp hand..did you check out the forum on that site..i have other stuff from other sites too..friends in the us...the whole thing was a set up to go and get saddam and give them the bushites ..puppet masters an exuse to go into iraq and elsewhere...look at the event of the last later
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Post by mortontoemike »

Flight 77 timeline and details of the disaster.


American Airlines Flight 77. Boeing 757 flying from Dulles Airport outside Washington to Los Angeles. 58 passengers, four flight attendants and two pilots. Hijackers: Khalid Almihdhar (Seat 12B), Majed Moqed (Seat 12A), Nawaf Alhazmi, Salem Alhazmi (Seat 5F), and Hani Hanjour (the likely pilot).
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~ pimp hand ~
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Re: cover up

Post by ~ pimp hand ~ »

Anonymous wrote:hey pimp hand..did you check out the forum on that site..i have other stuff from other sites too..friends in the us...the whole thing was a set up to go and get saddam and give them the bushites ..puppet masters an exuse to go into iraq and elsewhere...look at the event of the last later
thanx for that ... yeah i checked out that thread and also this link someone posted too ... i guess i'm back on the fence now

i was poking around that site a little more, and found some pretty funny sh*t! ... check out this *** warning *** somewhat x-rated cartoon from the makers of South Park - :lol:

cover up

Post by guest »

hey pimphand since you started far did you read into this..go too and check out the actual wtc footage and there latest forum posts, there is a class action lawsuit pending against the us gov't re 911 nameing george w bush personnally for ordering the attack..cheers, only the future will tell..but the groundswell continues
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~ pimp hand ~
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Re: cover up

Post by ~ pimp hand ~ »

guest wrote:hey pimphand since you started far did you read into this..go too and check out the actual wtc footage and there latest forum posts, there is a class action lawsuit pending against the us gov't re 911 nameing george w bush personnally for ordering the attack..cheers, only the future will tell..but the groundswell continues
wow :shock: ... this opens up a whole other can of worms eh? ... thanx for the linkage anonymous guest dood !
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