How to fly a trainer kite

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How to fly a trainer kite

Unread post by Jeanine »

RE: how to fly a trainer kite

Using the kite out of the bag with the lines attached to the kite is correct.
There is no need to remove the lines from the bridel attachment points.
The red side of the bar should be on the left hand side with the lines going straight to the kite.

Here are some notes and tricks:
1. to fly a foil kite of 3m, you need to have minimum 6-7 knots of wind, 12--14km/h, more is better and will make flying eaier

2. You must always have your back to the wind so the kite is totally down wind from you.

3. The best way to launch is to have someone hold the kite directly down wind from you with the foil openings facing up and let go. The kite will naturally go straight up over your head.

4. If launching it alone, lay the kite out the full 18m length of the lines with the foil openings facing up. The wind will have to be a min 12--14km/h of speed, more is better. Pull back quickly and evenly on the bar to jump the canopy off the ground and catch the wind. It should fly directly over your head.
5. Once over your head just try and keep the bar steady to hold the kite at the 12 o-clock position over your head. Get comfortable just trying to keep the kite over your head at 12 o-clock.

6. Do NOT turn or move the bar like driving a car. This is wrong. You must push/pull slightly in and out on the bar like punching a bag.
Pushing out with your right hand will make the kite go to the right
Only slight, small movements are needed to dive and and rise the kite.

7. The flying area is from 3 o-clock on your right side to 9 o-clock on your left side and up to 12 o-clock over your head.
If you let the kite sit out in front of you without motion it will fall out of the sky as that is a no power zone.

8. After getting comfortable flying the kite back and forth, you can try a kite loop.
Put the kite up over your head at 12 o-clock and point 1 end of the bar at the kite.
The kite will dive hard and loop. Do not let it hit the ground at this rate of high speed.
To exit the loop return the bar to the horizontal position after the loop as the kite spins around. Loop back the other way to unwind the lines.
Brace you legs before this move as the kite will power up and can pull you off balance.

9. To land the kite, simply bring it down slowly to the left or right side 90 degrees to the wind and let if softly touch the ground

The bar has a chicken loop and push away safety release for use with a water kite harness so as to train kitesurfing students how to properly hook into the harness, properlly position their hands for riding, and how to use a push away safety.
The metal rings on the left/right leader lines are for fixing the harness leash used by kitesurfing students so as to practice letting go of the bar in an emergency.

The following link is about trainer kite flying from Ocean Rodeo. ... iner-kite/
They use a small inflateable 4-line kite, but the principals of flying and wind direction are the same.
The important information begins around the 5 minute mark on controling the kite.
Major difference is that with a foil kite you must launch with the kite directly down wind, not off to the side as in the video, and never let it land in water since the cells will fill and make it impossible to relaunch.

Hope this can help.

If you have any question,please contact:
Maelstorm EVOLUTION trainer kite
Maelstorm EVOLUTION trainer kite
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Unread post by juandesooka »

I am a kiting beginner, progressing along the learning curve. I took my friend's advice of at least 20 hours of trainer kite time, in varied conditions, before using the big kite, so that you understand its behaviour before you're in a situation that has the potential to be dangerous.
(the number one thing to learn.....when in trouble, LET GO OF THE BAR)

I have both a 2-line foil and the 4-line Ocean Rodeo 2m trainer. The 2m foil is a good introduction, in particular to learning about keeping the kite in the air....when you crash it, you can't relaunch.

But to be honest, after a few times on the 2-line trainer, I didn't see much more benefit. The jump to the 4-line trainer is huge ... a 4-line SLE kite flies completely differently than the 2-line kite. Having introduced a few people to it now, I find it difficult to explain the concept of sheeting out to allow the kite to rise, and finding that happy medium where the kite is powered enough to fly, but not so powered as to pull you off your feet. Seems to me you can only learn it by feel, can't really get it until you try. That is the muscle memory you need to learn before getting on the big kite. I don't see that as really possible with a 2-line foil trainer.

So, I think a foil trainer is a good thing to have too, but I strongly recommend the OR 2m trainer for any kiting beginner.

Here's their video on how to use it:
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Re: How to fly a trainer kite

Unread post by KUS »

Jeanine wrote:3. The best way to launch is to have someone hold the kite directly down wind from you with the foil openings facing up and let go. The kite will naturally go straight up over your head.
oh man, now I know what I've been doing wrong all these years..... :oops: all that running downwind is probably what has blown out my hip :?
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Re: How to fly a trainer kite

Unread post by winddoctor »

"6. Do NOT turn or move the bar like driving a car. This is wrong. You must push/pull slightly in and out on the bar like punching a bag.
Pushing out with your right hand will make the kite go to the right
Only slight, small movements are needed to dive and and rise the kite."

Doesn't the kite want to turn LEFT with the right hand pushed out/left hand in? The line that has more tension is the side the kite will pull toward (in this case to the left), unless I'm missing something. Good tips otherwise.
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Unread post by Kite Kook »

you are correct, Dr. Wind. :D
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Unread post by AC »

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AC wrote:Just GIVER"":)
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Re: How to fly a trainer kite

Unread post by Jeanine »

KUS wrote:
Jeanine wrote:3. The best way to launch is to have someone hold the kite directly down wind from you with the foil openings facing up and let go. The kite will naturally go straight up over your head.
oh man, now I know what I've been doing wrong all these years..... :oops: all that running downwind is probably what has blown out my hip :?
I'm very happy to hear that my posted can help you. :)
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Re: How to fly a trainer kite

Unread post by Jeanine »

winddoctor wrote:"6. Do NOT turn or move the bar like driving a car. This is wrong. You must push/pull slightly in and out on the bar like punching a bag.
Pushing out with your right hand will make the kite go to the right
Only slight, small movements are needed to dive and and rise the kite."

Doesn't the kite want to turn LEFT with the right hand pushed out/left hand in? The line that has more tension is the side the kite will pull toward (in this case to the left), unless I'm missing something. Good tips otherwise.
Thanks for your comment. :)
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Unread post by JL »

It's a 'point of view' issue: The aspect of LOOKING @ the kite can be confused with the concept of the view FROM the kite. I lay out my lines with the red side on the right because as a mariner I think of the red side like a 'port' running light as seen FROM the kite. ... Do YOU think of steering a car looking at it from in front ( not recommended ) or behind the wheel :?:
Thermals are good.
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