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Help the nearly noob!

Unread post by Cedartree »

Hello. If you sailed Nimpkish last summer you probably saw me flailing about with some seriously outdated gear until Walter took pity on me and brought out his GO! board. At the very end of the season I was able to sail the board I had bought, but that chapter is closed. Time for newer gear. Which brings me in a somewhat roundabout way to my question. There are some gear swaps coming up, local and farther away. Any tentative dates or locations known at this time? As always, thanks for helping the noob.
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Unread post by downwind dave »

Hi Tom, there is a good swap down in Hood River, usually one in april and on the may long weekend.
aside from that there is some ok stuff kickin around bwd and even usedvic or craigslist now and then. you can always get a price check from the friendly folks at bwd. :lol: 8)
this guy has some ok sails
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Unread post by KUS »

Slim pickings in Hood River the last two years for wind surf swap gear for sure, was there and saw loads of crap, the odd sail or mast, no decent newer boards. You would probably be better off checking out bwd buysell or windance but with the dollar the way it is even that's a longshot for a bargain
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Unread post by ~~~~~4j~~ »

Another option which seems to work is to post a "Gear Wanted" message in the Windsurfing Buy and Sell Forum. Make a list of the gear that you are looking for. Be specific if you can. Use a descriptive subject line, like "Wanted: 90-110L freestyle board, wave/freeride sail quiver and accessories".

Many of us have perfectly good gear sitting in our basements/garages that we may be prompted to part with if we see that someone needs it.

If you are patient and you don't mind mix-matched gear you should be able cobble together a decent set-up. And you can help some of us do some spring cleaning in the process.
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Unread post by Cedartree »

Thanks Dave and crew for the news and ideas, most of the gear I've seen posted on CL and Usedvic is too old. I have taken your advice and posted a gear wanted ad in the Buy and Sell section with what I hope are specific enough details about what I require. Hopefully I will get some results. Hope to see you at Nimpkish this summer.
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