NZ Kiter visiting - Advice from the locals

General discussions about kiting: equipment, setup tips, safety, where to go, where you should have been, lost and found
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NZ Kiter visiting - Advice from the locals

Unread post by Cam_kiwi »

Hi all,

Visiting Vancouver island for 21 days from the 10th May. Kiter of 10+ years coming from Wellington, New Zealand (arguably windiest capital city in the world)

Keen to get some locals opinions, meet some locals and have some company when getting some kiting action in. Only travelling with twintip and 9/12m (leaving 7m at home?)

Was thinking about checking Nitinat Lake out for a few days around may 20th, but thinking it’s still abit early in season?

Any ideas and options much appreciated, hiring a truck camper so flexible. Looking forward to meet some of you.
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Re: NZ Kiter visiting - Advice from the locals

Unread post by friendlyfire »

I loved my time in NZ and the local kiters were super friendly. Happy to return the favor.
Come up to Comox and ride with us here! Look for SE winds. Give me a call - Brian 250 650 1775.
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Re: NZ Kiter visiting - Advice from the locals

Unread post by CB »

Hi Cam,
Wrote you a book on kiting near Victoria but I think it’s been lost to cyber space. Maybe it’ll show up. It’s should be blowing westerly most evenings in May if the weather has warmed up. The Vic crew kites mostly at Clover or the bottom of cook street. Lots of kiting to be done between here and Port Renfrew and you can connect to nitinhat via Port Renfrew. Reach out when you are here to coordinate a session at Clover.
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