Paros, Greece in June

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Paros, Greece in June

Unread post by winddoctor »

Looking for recommendations for best spots with swell/waves/strong wind in Paros, Greece. Looking to rent gear. Thanks!
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Re: Paros, Greece in June

Unread post by Teabag »

Was in Paros for ~10 days in end June beggining July 2014. Got unlucky with only 1 very strong day ~28-32 kts pretty stable. One more day 18-22 kts and 1 or 2 low wind. Hopefully you have better luck than I had, the locals said that it was very rare no wind like that for that many days (when I was there, so maybe youll have better luck).

Only location I am aware/went to was between Paros/Anti Paros. If you zoom in on google map youll see the kite school, I would email them if I were you.They might have wingfoil as well?

In terms of waves there was none, it was more like Nitinaht ish. Look at videos Paros kiting (to see sea state).
There are some things to see, and on the other island (Antiparos-Naxos) but not as good as Crete.

For winsurf/wing rental Crete has a lot more to offer thats for sure. A lot more to do if no wind, and if no wind on 1 location, check the other locations, maybe west side will be windy for a few days, then east side or vice versa. Definitively need rental car if Crete, but so beautiful, and more chances of wave if windy. Look up East side spot "Gone surfing, windsurfing&wingfoiling" on Kouremenos beach. No idea of the best time for wind though. And it is kind of an "isolated" location-spot. That would be your "Eastside spot".

I never been to that spot though, but I think it "might" be the most chances for wind for Crete island. (double check as I am not sure)

Heraklion has some nice beaches as well, more to do. (Center East). Kited there but was light wind.

The drive from Heraklion (Centereast) to Rethymon (Centerwest) and Chania (west) also has quite a few beaches with some "random wind, i.e not windy, drive 20 minutes, notice white cap on that bay there, continue driving 20 minutes, no wind here". Kited on one of these random places.

Now for the West side, things are closer togheter. Chania (tourist y but nice) has no wind spot there but zoom to the left, Agia Marina beach, between that and the island is definitively a WSWFKB spot. Kited there to, their local spot. Really enjoyed the beache vibes.

The next ones (that I know to the west) definitively "Falasarna", that would be your best chances for waves. But when I was there it wasnt windy (mid May 2014). Elafonissi down south is another spot, beautiful but flat water.

*** Accomodations: Things might have changed, but in May 2014 the biggest mistake one could make was to reserve in advance, on the internet.*** For Agia Marina1st, Chania2nd, anyway)

Instead, dont reserve anything, and walk to these resort and check whats available at what price in person. Everytime it was almost half the price of what it would have been if paying online. (most place were empty for the month of May, might be different in June, I would look up tourist statistic per month).

Easilly found a place in Falasarma (an older couple renting a second unit from their house). Heraklion just a regular crappy hotel (was only there 1 night), and Agia Marina super nice resort for cheap, just walk the strip near resort, check a few of them then decide.

I would definitively look at Crete options more if I were you. Have it as a "plan B" if Paros wind forecast not good. Unfortunately for Paros accomodation I am not sure if it would be as easy as Crete to find day to day accomodations without reserving in advance for your trip.

On the road to Elafonissi (if you do a day trip to check it out) youll see lots of local winery, or olive-olive oil products... Dont be shy to try them, didnt know what the real color of real olive oil looked like, soo much better, honey-wine, etc...

In summary:
-Paros aparently is windy more often, and more strong that Crete, from what they say. (unless u get unlucky like I did).

- If you do Crete instead:

"Homebase for West side" I would choose Agia Marina OR Chania has home base. Windsport in Agia Marina, and sometimes quick day trip to Fallasarma, and or 1 to Elafonissi.

-"Heraklion Center" I would only choose this one for short stay" I.E between a travel from East/West or vice versa, and/or the first day you arrive by ferry or air. Spend the night rent a car, look forecast, decide if you want to go East or West. WF if windy that day before leaving.

"Homebase for East side": No idea, never looked into it, but would probably try to stay near that Kouremenos beach.

Sorry if I wasnt much of help for Paros. Just didnt enjoy my time there as much as Crete. But then again, I was quite unlucky with the non windy days. The non windy days are way better in Crete though, this is without any doubt. (just sooo many options and things to see, if you have a rental car)
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Re: Paros, Greece in June

Unread post by winddoctor »

Wow, lots here to digest! Thanks so much for taking the time, Ian! We'll be visiting other places too, but Paros sounds like the best bet for wind. Very much appreciated!
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Re: Paros, Greece in June

Unread post by Teabag »

here are some examples:

Amourrada beach (this one is the one in Heraklion, east side)

Kalamaki (between Chania and Agia Marina)

Unknown location:

East side:

Falasarma low wind, high wave Sep:


Once again, not statistically as strong and often as Paros, but more beautiful, and a lot less crowded!!!

When re looking at these, re seeing Heraklion (Amourrada) made me think that maybe a West side base and a Center base could be better. If you can rent from either of these places.
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Re: Paros, Greece in June

Unread post by cthibault »

Paroskite Resort, Paros has rental gear.. Their location has a strong venturi effect even if the Melten is quit often strong enough :)
Just a step away (next island) Mikri Vigla Beach, Naxos has rental gear..
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