BWD/Nitinat shirts

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BWD/Nitinat shirts

Unread post by Bobson »

Hey Everyone!!!

I am trying to sell the last of the BWD shirts before the end of summer to enable myself to cut a nice BIG FAT check to BWD himself for all his hard work, time, money he has put into this site.

So if you still want a shirt, another shirt or know of someone that might like a shirt please contact me or get them to contact me. I have approx. 50 shirts left, still all sizes are available except for Medium short sleeved.

I'm thinking these would be GREAT Xmas presents....hint, hint!!

So please help me out and spread the word and the love too!!! :D
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Unread post by Bobson »

I actually really do want to sell the rest of these shirts :shock: .....soooo again, if anyone you know MIGHT want one or you MIGHT want to give one or two away as Xmas presents then please PM me and I'll make sure you get the size and type you want. :wink:

Thanks again to everyone who has already purchased a shirt and especially to all those who are still going to purchase shirts!! :D
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BWD/Nitinat Shirts

Unread post by Q »

I'll take one (possibly two). Only problem is I'm in Vancouver. I am hoping (in fact, planning) to come to Nitinat for the Labour Day long weekend, but could end up heading to the gorge (or the coast) if the Island forecast doesn't come through. Let me know how we could hook up for a couple of shirts. Cheers in the meantime..............Jeff Q
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Unread post by Bobson »

Hey Jeff, no problems. I should be coming to Van in Sept. most likely so I could drop it off then if you don't come for the Sept long weekend.

If you are going to come, just let me know when you are coming over and I'll arrange to meet up with you or I'll see you at the lake that weekend.

Unread post by Guest »

Awesome. Will PM you next week to let you know if I'll be coming to Nitinat. Regards.............Jeff
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Unread post by kitesurferdale »

Hey Bobson, still waiting on that childs t-shirt as well, think you could drop it off in Port next time your through?
Airtime! whoo hoooo, its all about the airtime...... ok waves rock too!

Kids T-shirt

Unread post by Forgetfulson »

You betcha KSD, I totally forgot about it. :shock:
I should be heading through the Port on the Sept. long weekend on my way to the Lake......I'll let you know for sure when and you can let me know where to drop it DOOD!!

Sorry Dood!
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Unread post by JL »

1 large short sleeve t 4 me Doodson.
Thermals are good.
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Be the WaVe Dave

Unread post by Wavos Rancheros »

I'lll take a medium or large next time I see you at Gordo's, or Nitinat, or Caddy there Dood.

Unread post by Guest »

Hey no prob bobson, just let me know if you are heading through as I am in Penticton so I will make arrangements for someone to be there or pick it up when you head through. Best way to get ahold of me is to msg me here or my email

Keep the stoke dude it is great to see! and also fantastic work on promoting the shirts and BWD site!
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Unread post by kitesurferdale »

opps that last post was me - KSD -
Airtime! whoo hoooo, its all about the airtime...... ok waves rock too!

BWD/Nitinat shirt

Unread post by HeatherS »

Great shirts and great website! I'll take a small long-sleeved next time in Victoria.
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Long Sleeve

Unread post by Bobson »

Hey WestieHeather,

PM me next time you are coming to Victoria and I'll make sure you get one. I will be coming to Vancouver in the next week or two so if you PM me your email or phone# I will definitely drop one of to you.

Hope you had a nice summer! :D
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