searching for Vic kiter Jeff/Geoff

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searching for Vic kiter Jeff/Geoff

Unread post by ceejay »

Hi I was in China Creek kiting this past summer (late July/early Aug) and met a kiter named Jeff/Geoff who was there with his girlfriend from Victoria. Jeff/Geoff said he was a pro photographer. He photographed me and also put his Gopro in my lines and I got some great video and stills (see below). Jeff/Geoff and I were to stay in touch but I never heard from him afterwards, and I only gave him my contact info but didn't get his. Anyone know a Jeff/Geoff from Victoria who is a kiter and a photographer? I'd like to get in touch with him. Thanks! Chris
air with loop still_starboard_small.jpg
air with loop still_starboard_small.jpg (235.4 KiB) Viewed 1705 times
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