Winter Kiteboarding for beginner - Cowichan & south

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Winter Kiteboarding for beginner - Cowichan & south

Unread post by XRoy »

Hi folks,

I'm living in cobble hill at the moment and have been hoping to get out for some kiteboarding practice. I'm relatively new but took enough lessons this summer on lakes in Alberta and on the ocean in South Africa that I am comfortable staying upwind in reasonably decent conditions and self rescuing if needed. I'm thinking that the drive to Elk lake would be one option (I've checked out the park at the northeast and can easily launch there) but Cherry Point beach also seems great at low tide and is way closer to home.

So my question is: Are there hidden hazards at Cherry point (near shore currents etc.) to be particularly wary of for someone who just wants to mow the lawn and get some time on the water in 12-20 kts wind?

Any other suggestions for someone in my position?
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Check the sailing wiki on this site, it lists the spots and hazards.
Don't forget to bring a towel!
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Unread post by juandesooka »

People generally don't kite either spot that I know of. And if not, there is usually a kiters will congregate wherever it is consistently good. Island view, san pareil, or Columbia beach are your best bets for winter dependable safe kiting.
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Unread post by abetanzo »

Island view beach is the place to go.. lots of hazards on a good day but in 12knots you'll struggle against currents.. a good sou'Easter can have 20 to 30knots easy with a good shore break to negotiate!! Careful starting out in the 30 plus and always ensure you gear is operating well
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Unread post by XRoy »

Thank for all the tips guys, for anyone looking this up in the future what I ended up finding by checking out a number of sites and agree with the info here that that Island view beach (as reported) is the best option. I did find the surf is a bit intimidating in higher wind given I'm mostly used to lakes.

I found that Pipers lagoon (on the outside) is great with a nice SE wind. It was the best balance of relatively small waves and nice reliable wind. There's grass to stage on and an assisted launch make for an easy start.

Thanks again to everyone who responded!
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