Proposed Clover Point upgrades from city of victoria

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Do you like the proposal of turning Clover Point into a "pedestrian only green space"?

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Proposed Clover Point upgrades from city of victoria

Unread post by manie »

How do people feel about the city's plan to potentially turn Clover Point into a pedestrian only green space, and to remove all of the parking? The space will apparently be used for " multiple wheelchair accessible picnic tables, yellow loungers, a small festival space, room for food trucks and the grey pavement will be refreshed with paint"

Curious to know the kiting & windsurfing community's thoughts. Council is voting on this on Thursday. ... ns-741796/ ... ntId=64039
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Unread post by bwd »

Thanks for posting this. I moved it into the Rigging Area so more people can see it. It's an important topic.

I for one think it's a great idea. Having a huge paved parking lot next to the ocean is a waste of space imho. If they leave a few spots for accessible access then all is good.
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Unread post by Snarfer »

Thanks Emmanuelle!
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Unread post by grantmac »

If they block it then pretty much the stairs will be the only windsurf access (non foiling) which is kind of a pain.

I'd like to see them put in some work on the stairs to allow better beach access, specifically something wide enough so that people's dogs don't knock you down while carrying gear.
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Unread post by juandesooka »

Sounds like they've suggested an option for gear drop offs

"The proposeddesign accommodates a total of 17parking stalls within the park. This includes the 13parking stalls adjacent to the new multi-use pathway. To serve those with mobility needs, four designated accessible parking spaces are located at the southern most endof the road additional oversized passenger loading zone will allow park users to drop-off any gear and supplies before relocating their vehicle to one of the time-limited parking spaces"
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Unread post by Keen »

I have not read the whole report and likely don't know all the details. However I'd not be totally in favour of a no cars rule. I do feel they could do better than just a ring road and a parking lot but I'm not sure they've looked at historic wind data. Of the few pleasant weather months we have in the year I suspect there are not many picnic and lounge chair worthy days. That idea seems not that well thought out in my opinion. There is a reason we go there to kite,wing,windsurf... it's a beautiful spot but it's not always very hospitable and I thinks it's cool you can drive there on stormy day and watch from the comfort of your car! I heard they're planning on putting picnic tables and lounge chairs at The Cape parking lot and banning cars :wink:
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Unread post by JEmerson »

Be pretty sweet to pull up for a burger and beer mid session from the food trucks. That being said the garbage flying around from them on windy days won’t be good. Food trucks can already set up as it is now.
I say leave it as it is.
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Unread post by MartyD »

I don't see this doing any good for the community. Rules and regs will come, just wait. I like the green space but taking a bunch of parking out of an already overcrowded area will not help anything. Probably won't even be able to fly a trainer kite there anymore :(
What are they going to do when it starts blowing 50kn on a marine push when its crowded in June?
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Unread post by CTK »

Completely against. Parking in that area will be a big issue. Hiking gear down there from a few blocks away for people that kite there is a pain. Plus I freedive off there on the occasion which will also be a pain. I wouldn't want to drop my gear there and leave it unattended while I drive 3 blocks and park in residential parking area. Plus the fact that this place get hit hard with SE storms in the winter and strong W in the summer. Bad place for people to sit and eat in 20 plus knots. Tents won't fair well. This will also affect parking for the totem pole launch spot as parking in the area is becoming a premium. I'd say move it into beacon Hill park. Protected location that is closer to city center. Plus they have already restricted vehicles/parking there. Many other better locations to do this. I also did not mention disabled and elderly enjoying the spot as it is.
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Unread post by CTK »

Also they want to change the name to picnic point.....😞
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Unread post by bwd »

CTK wrote:Also they want to change the name to picnic point.....😞
Okay then I change my vote.
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Unread post by UnusuallyLargeRobin »

It is a cold windy inhospitable place for 97% of the year. No one lounges around there for any amount of time because it's friggin cold, that's why they're all sitting in their cars! If you want that experience go take a walk on the Ogden Pt Breakwater. Guess what is already there too, food trucks, picnic tables, no cars on breakwater, benches, foot paths, restaurant, recently removed parking for bike friendly stuff! The whopping 13 spaces that will be left for you non-disabled are going to be slightly up the hill off the road coming down. You are going to have to carry/drop off gear and then try to find a parking spot. I too think you can kiss kiting goodbye from this site. Don't think there is going to be any acceptance/tolerance for kites to be rigging and launching from this new "jewel" of a picnic park! Leave the Point alone and clean up the homeless disaster just up the road!
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Unread post by thankgodiatepastafobreaky »

Maybe the Victoria wind community needs to get a prioritized list of their needs and wishes together? Have it well documented in a clear, concise report and present it to the city council. I think the city values the amazing show the wind community puts on for the public and Victoria needs to strive to keep this as a priority. I bet these people have no clue what we need. .... oops just read that they are voting on this on Thurs..

I was surprised that everyone was using the point and not the launch at the bottom of the stairs at the dog park where we used to. What shifted everyone down?
curses - foiled again!
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Unread post by juandesooka »

thankgodiatepastafobreaky wrote: I was surprised that everyone was using the point and not the launch at the bottom of the stairs at the dog park where we used to. What shifted everyone down?
Seems to be a few people who launch at clover, but most still use the normal cook st launch. Last weekend, the 4 kiters out all launched along the cliff. I haven't kited there much, but clover always seemed to make sense, cleaner wind, no tide issues or log show. But the cars made it sketchy. Plus the slippery ramp, poor downwind catchment, etc.

I agree that kiting is probably seen positively by the Council, as an entertaining spectacle and a vibrant example of healthy, positive outdoor lifestyle. Seems like there is a very brief window of opportunity to seek some improvements that may help the community.
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Unread post by CTK »

A group of new kiters have started to kite off Clover over the past few years. Use to just be Light Wind Larry. Plus there is a lot more kiters on the water so we do kinda need to spread out.
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