Wingfoil setup

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Wingfoil setup

Unread post by jo$hd »

Hi everyone.

Looking to get into winging and looking for recommendations on what setup I should start with (board size, foil size, wing size etc). I'm 24 years old and 145 pounds. I've been kiting for the last 8 years but have not kitefoiled. Any advice is much appreciated.

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Re: Wingfoil setup

Unread post by tweezer »

The Wingfoiling Progression thread is a good one to read: ... &start=255
Short answer: min 15 knots, 5.0m wing, board litres=your weight+30 or 40. So around 100L. Foil: 1500-1700cm2 with a fuselage around 68-75cm (shorter is more turny, longer more stable and easy to learn)

Are you sailing Victoria spots?
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Re: Wingfoil setup

Unread post by jo$hd »

Hi Tweezer,

Thanks very much for the info. I didn't see that thread, ill take a look over it. I am in Victoria right now but will likely be moving up to Comox in the fall. Hoping to learn winging in beginner friendly spot like Nitinat.

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Re: Wingfoil setup

Unread post by smartang »

At your age and weight with 8 years kiting experience I would say you can go smaller on the board should go smaller on the foil. It's more challenging, but especially at a place like Nitinat you can get away with a smaller starter setup.

Demo somebody's big setup on day 1. But purchase a 75L board, ~1200cm2 foil, as long as the wingspan is close to 90+cm. Most guys commentating on here are middle age, 200lbs. We forget the balance, agility, energy, willingness to eat it, and ability to recover that we had in our 20's. If you're a high level kiter, I predict you will drop down to a ~800cm2 foil quickly. Maybe a 40L board by the end of the summer. But still keep that 75L for the winter.

For reference I'm far past the age of invincibility, 220lbs in a wetsuit. Take 4 days (2mo tendonitis) to recover from a session and ride a 55L/90L and 765cm2 foil. Will drop down to a 580cm2 in high winds. I can waterstart smaller, but it takes solid wind and burns me out too quickly. Not an issue at 24.
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