New, teach me?

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New, teach me?

Unread post by DamianDonald »

Hello everyone!
I hope I put this in the right spot, inexperienced with forums.
My name is Damian, I'm 29 years old and want to get into windsurfing, (greater Victoria area). I've done a little research but would love input from the community on maybe some used gear to look for, and if anyone would like to meet up and help a guy learn how to enjoy the sport!
I'm in shape, 6ft tall 160pounds, if those numbers help when looking for gear to purchase.
I'll buy ya some beer / dinner or something for helping me out. Maybe we'll become new friends?
Thanks in advance!
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Re: New, teach me?

Unread post by janMinicat »

Hi Damian,

I am slightly older, 55, was in the same situation as you last year. Not driving, I bought an inflatable 280L with 4.9m sail. Armed with the backpack, bus 11 took me to Cadboro on light days. Fast forward, now I have a beach start, front strap, reliable tack and have survived a few heli tacks, go to Ross in 10-20kts of wind. When I go you can come experience rigging, get on board, uphaul and in 1-2 sessions move with your front foot in front of the mast and turn around in a tacky way. After that the sky is your limit. And get your own boat. Your best friends in order as you progress are Sam Ross, GetWindSurfing, Will Nichols and Cookie. Many others are great, but those made every word count and have put a lot of thought and experience into their youtube video. Plenty of enterococti water for you to drink locally, and you will progress. I am no teacher and many here will have more valuable things to say to you, but I am ecstatic about my 5-10kn of distance I get in a session, getting up to 6.3kt of speed and learning heli tack, getting into the back strap and others. And I have a beach start. So welcome. If interested, contact me here and I will tell you when I go, on a short notice.
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Re: New, teach me?

Unread post by grantmac »

What are your goals for windsurfing? When you watch videos which one's interest you the most?
There is a lot of variation in the sport or even other sports (wingfoiling).
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Re: New, teach me?

Unread post by DamianDonald »

I'm going to look more into it in the next couple of days / my weekend. I just want to have a water sport / activity I can go out and enjoy! Not looking at any crazy tricks or anything, just a fun way to enjoy being out on the water, back and forth in the wind
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Re: New, teach me?

Unread post by grantmac »

I have a beginner board/rig that I'm happy to bring out for people to try or sometimes lend.
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Re: New, teach me?

Unread post by KUS »

Used to teach people in vic but in Qualicum now, too bad….since I love beer. Have lots of beginners gear here to lend/sell if you find yourself up here.
Avoid Ross Bay, Cadboro Bay and Elk Lake, sorry but that’s bad advice! Use Willows on a light SE winds or head to Nitinat in sunny September, great learner time!!!
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Re: New, teach me?

Unread post by janMinicat »

Why is Cadboro bad advise for a novice? I got to move there, learned to steer and tack and gybe. Went from no experience to covering a few nautical miles in a session. Then came Willows and finally Ross.
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Re: New, teach me?

Unread post by bakker »

If your keen on windsurfing I hope u have good balance and are incredibley stubborn lol and buy yourself some gear.. here’s a kit that just came up on Facebook market place.. buy it now if it’s still there..looks like a great deal..I think the guys would agree..I might be able to teach u some things I’m out in sooke basin I’m a busy dad but I’ll try squeezing in a lesson or two
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Re: New, teach me?

Unread post by grantmac »

That Techno is a decent deal but is more of a second board.
Good news is the best first board is one you borrow since it you get interested you'll outgrow it in a month.
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Re: New, teach me?

Unread post by KUS »

janMinicat wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 2:54 pm Why is Cadboro bad advise for a novice?
at those places ….wind quality is gusty, multi directional, directly onshore, has boat traffic, is shore dumpy and /or has obstacles, rocks, kelp, poor safe catchment area, contaminants….not that Willows is exempt of the latter during heavier rains. …Sure ….you can go out anywhere, your frustrations might just be such that you quit
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Re: New, teach me?

Unread post by janMinicat »

KUS: I have a real problem with you qualifying my personal experience as bad advice. Boats, people surrounded by land, those factors gave me warm and fuzzy when learning by myself at Cadboro. Got blown to Royal Vic and easy walk of shame back to Gyro. I see numerous others learning, and advanced light wind big rig windsurfers there all the time. You think Willows is good advice vs Cadboro bad advice: I get 40m out and suddenly wavelets got bigger a lot of boat traffic and stronger winds freak me out. I did see a girl end up exactly like that at Willows, and a paddle boarder went out and pulled her in. Secondly, you advise SE winds for willows. One of the hardest things for a beginner is to understand wind. Not sure a DIY with no sailing background could understand "go to Willows on SE days." At Cadboro the said cross winds will move you when you are a novice. Cadboro is great for learning windsurfing, surrounded by land for safety. Thanks for reading.
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Re: New, teach me?

Unread post by KUS »

janMinicat wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:50 am KUS: I have a real problem with you qualifying my personal experience as bad advice
lol ok whatever, we all have problems! I would argue that steady single direction wind is key for learning and a safe, easy environment if things go sideways. Dragging beginner gear back is not fun.
In past lots of people learned….or gave up….in Caddy Bay …or those other places. not the worst mind you. There are tons of shoulder season light SE days at Willows. If you don’t know what SE means maybe the ocean is not for you
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Re: New, teach me?

Unread post by janMinicat »

Your attitude at a public forum could be improved. Significantly. All will benefit from that.
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Re: New, teach me?

Unread post by KUS »

janMinicat wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 10:07 am Your attitude at a public forum could be improved. Significantly.
sorry my difference in opinion offends you so. You must be used to everyone agreeing with you, public forum or not, …alas, let’s call it a day but do keep smiling 8)
Wish less, sail more!!
Vancouver Island Windsports
Chinook /Takuma /KA Australia (Tribal) /Aztron

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