Trip to Baja this spring 06.

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Nitinat North Division

Trip to Baja this spring 06.

Unread post by Nitinat North Division »

I am looking for any information regarding our trip to Baja this spring.
It is too early for Nitinat and I am so sick of winter!!!
Equipment: Camper, man and woman(aka. foodfairy) plus two dogs and windsursing gear.
Departure late March 06 from Smithers,BC
To stay as long as we can till it gets too hot.
Looking for tips on places to camp, places to see and things to avoid.

Peter Kuchar
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Unread post by KUS »

why don'tcha go to Texas, at least you'll get some wind :roll:

camp at the park (for free while they fix it up), see birds and wind/waves, avoid Texan bars and yelling at rednecks, they got guns :shock:
Wish less, sail more!!
Vancouver Island Windsports
Chinook /Takuma /KA Australia (Tribal) /Aztron

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Doing things the hard way since 1963....

Unread post by dwd »

i think spring is a good bet for san carlos south of punta baja on the west side. ive never been there though. ventana wont be so reliable in april.
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