Chinook Extensions: lace 'em up right

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Chinook Extensions: lace 'em up right

Unread post by morewind »

After using Chinook mast extensions for over 10 years I discovered that there is a recommended lacing pattern for a grommet.

check out: ... ommet.html

It takes a few tries to figure out the instructions, but it is a better way. No crossed lines, easier downhauling, and you can downhaul the grommet all the way to the base. :)

Catch me at the beach and if I'm not in a panic rigging manic I'll try to demonstrate.
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downwind dave
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Unread post by downwind dave »

my ezzy has a pretty small diameter grommet that really lets you know when youve got it wrong. the best screw up is when you accidently make that half hitch that only lets you downhaul but it wont release later! :cry:
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Unread post by bean »

Being the most impatient rigger, I use and love the downhaul pulley. It stays threaded on your extension and all you have to do is hook it into the grommet and pull. There's no resistance so max downhauling is easy and it never gets locked-up. Cons - a teeny bit of added weight and the grommet is a couple of cms from the base. ... Hook_3.jpg
is that a whitecap?
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Unread post by Russian Dood »

naaah.... pulleys are for girls
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Unread post by KUS »

Real sails come complete with these :lol:

ok, my revos don't either but I can't say I have a problem downhauling so grommet touches the base....I get them to not twist/overlap but always worked from Port to Starboard :roll:
But hey, I will try the lacing as described next time, who knew :oops: not me, thx MW
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Unread post by Fish »

What kind of guy are you morewind? Reading instructions? How dare you suggest theres'a better way than my way? I prefer to continue struggling with twisted lines and the mysteriouly forming half hitches that Dwd lovignly refers to, caus that the way I've always done it.

Seriously though, it looks pretty simple in the link, but I'm unlikely to remember during rigging frenzy so I'll look forward to your offer of a demonstration to me next session
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Unread post by JL » Scroll down to 'pulley hooks'...Rig it once correctly & hook on ... Works great with the "Johnny Canuck" hockey stick down haul tool.
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by downwind dave »

rig it canadian style, giv'em the lumber! :twisted: ya cant rig right with those goofy cleaty keychain toys :D

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