Goal setting for this summer- some new moves?

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Goal setting for this summer- some new moves?

Unread post by KUS »

How about this fer one:


Morewind, Doc, surely you can work on this at the lake, it appears one needs only very little rampage, a bit of hate, and a longing for some bodily abuse :twisted:

Personally I will be working on my downwind 359 splash and that stupid monkey move :roll: forever :oops:
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Unread post by winddoctor »

Hey Kus,

I'm willing to give it a go when I get back, though the only trick I've been working on lately is making it to the bathroom in time. African style stomach flu kicks your ass!

Shuv-its, flakas, and grubbies would be nice too. :twisted: :twisted:
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Unread post by morewind »

I've got two list of moves, the will-never-do list, and the might-try-someday list. That one-legged thing just made it onto the first list.

I like your monkeys Kus. I've always been impressed by the Legend's monkeys at Nitinat. They would be cool to try.

The Scrooge 720 is my signature move, and I'll be working hard on it this summer. 8)
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Unread post by JL »

Toe side for me...
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by mortontoemike »

Helitack for me. Plus getting more airtime.
I wish my TOW was longer!
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Unread post by JL »

TOE !!!
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by downwind dave »

i think some tricks you have to try a thousand times to get right, others you just need to sack up and huck. :twisted: with that in mind i will work on vulcans and the upwind 360 but the one i will commit to learning this summer is the shuvit! so now its typed i will make it happen..with the new speed dimples on my board i cant miss!
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Unread post by Mattdog »

Hiiigh spins. Forwards. Unhooked (next year ?)

JL - toeside is revolutionized with my new Waroo kite. It makes it super easy for some reason and I can crank upwind toe. the Session Harness helps too since the dakine clips kept popping off the spreader when riding toe which always freaked me out.
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Unread post by JL »

I can see harness failure being a problem all right ! Looked good out there Sunday MattImage The Mako will be a fine toe-side machine I am sure. I'm the guy who wind surfed 20 years duck gybe free. I tend to cruise contentedly & let the new school stuff pass me by.
Thermals are good.
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