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Unread post by Tedz »

there slow
Last edited by Tedz on Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mike P
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Unread post by Mike P »


I have purchased a few things off them, and no problem. I believe it is 7 days for shipping and if you don't pay extra its 14days. I have some airush stuff waiting to be delivered(maybe I should call them as its 14 days already), You can call them at 808.871.7347 and they'll track your order.

Its GST/PST free since it come from their inventory in Squamish.(don't ask me how that works).

There website needs abit of work as it does not show all the small parts that they sell, leading you to believe you can't replace a part, but a phone call to them and they will show you how to access the site, for these small specific parts.
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