YVR wind data on island map, latest reports

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YVR wind data on island map, latest reports

Unread post by Randal »

Hi guys - We vancouver types are using BWD weather data more and more. We can get live wind data from the JSCA and jerichowind web sites, but it'd be brilliant if we could have the YVR or Jericho data added to island wind map.

I use the map to watch the NW fronts coming down, and can usually get a pretty good ETA from one look at the island wind map. What a great resource!

Keep up the great work. This is site is an amazing resource for the wind sport community.

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Unread post by bwd »

Hi Randy: thanks for the comments. The YVR data would be easy to add, but I will have to get permission to add the Jericho wind data. This is something I've been meaning to do for a while - I'll ask and let you know how it goes.
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Nice Resource

Unread post by Windsurfish »

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Unread post by 470sailor »

Dave, thanks for the Jericho wind information and weather forecasts. It is a great help.

I am wondering if you can add Pam Rocks (Marine Weather Station) and Point Atkinson (Marine Weather Station) to your list so it would give a better coverage around Vancouver? I moved from Victoria to Vancouver and I am going through BWD.com withdrawal. I keep checking the wind in Victoria even though it doesn't do me any good.

Keep up the good work,

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Unread post by bwd »

Hi Chris: thanks for the comments and sorry for the delay. I've added it to my TO DO list and I'll try and get to it soonish.
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