Main page chat board for the calendar dysfunctional

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Wavos Rancheros
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Main page chat board for the calendar dysfunctional

Unread post by Wavos Rancheros »

Hey Dave is there a way to change the date display on the chat board to just show the day, like monday, tuesday, instead of the calendar day...i'm a little slow and have to check the calendar all the time to see whether i'm reading old or new posts.
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Unread post by bwd »

You mean like this? I still want to include the date:

Bwd: test - Sunday April 27, 8:45PM

If that's what you mean then I just added it.
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Wavos Rancheros
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Unread post by Wavos Rancheros »

thanks dave, i'm not sure where the change was applied, but i meant to say on the home page message board, that's where i think it would be helpful to have the day of the week in each post next to the time etc...

Hope you're havin a Great Day!

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