wind sometimes travels in a circle

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Wavos Rancheros
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wind sometimes travels in a circle

Unread post by Wavos Rancheros »

idea for your spare time dave 8)

-a time lapse view for the island map, and south island map pages, would really give an interesting look at the way wind develops and changes in a day
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i couldn't remember this one when i sat down to write the one above..

-users who access a particular webcam be given an option to click for more frequent updates from the cam, and similar to webcam controls, it would be on a timer, so it would expire to preserve bandwidth
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Animated Latest Reports Island Map?

Unread post by ~~~~~4j~~ »

Hey BWD and RD,

I thought to better show the trend in wind strength/direction it would be useful to have the option to view the Island Map vectors over perhaps the most recent few hours, kind of like how EC shows precipitation with radar images: ... tml?id=XSI

It would kind of be like selecting the "last 10 images" on a webcam page, but would summarize information over a larger area and longer time. I suppose this information is available in the 24 hour graphs, but it would be nice to have it displayed in a consolidated visual format.

Do you think this would be a useful feature? How difficult it would be?

I think it would be cool to see how the vectors change length and direction on an animated map! It may more clearly show when the wind arrives and allow us to better time our trip to the beach...especially if we haven't been monitoring the website all day (we don't do that do we...)


edit: Thanks for moving this post here Dave, I somehow missed reading the above thread!
Last edited by ~~~~~4j~~ on Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by bwd »

Thanks for the suggestions. I merged them since they were kind of the same idea. Anthony (aka Keen) is working on showing the Latest Maps using google maps and also overlaying the satellite map and IR 8) Not sure at this point if this could be animated, but I could make an animated gif from the current maps. I'll put that on the list.

Re: higher webcam refreshes. I've been thinking about that but not sure at this point. If you connect directly to the camera then you can get 1-4sec updates but this slows down when more people connect. Maybe this could be for website contributors only, like the zoom cam list? Something to think about. I don't think I can FTP the images much faster than 15-20 secs though.

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Wavos Rancheros
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Unread post by Wavos Rancheros »

That would be cool to see any kind of sequential overlay of images or animation! And I guess if we've hit the limit on ftp speed then its just fine as it is 8)
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