
We want your feedback: comments, complaints and suggestions for the website

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Wavos Rancheros
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Unread post by Wavos Rancheros »

Hey Dave,
idea 1: link the sailing locations in the sailing log to the wiki sailing guide pages.
idea 2: link the "gear used" to actual manufacturers or retailers web sites and see if you can get some coin for the hits

Have a good one,

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Unread post by bwd »

Thank for the suggestions WR:

I like the first idea and it shouldn't be too hard to do. The second one would be trickier considering the different types of gear, but still possible.
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Unread post by KUS »

I'll contribute for the hits, not sure how I would know tho unless someone helps me finally build my webpage, RainX! LOL :)
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sailing log

Unread post by GWIND »

BWD-- would it be possible to put a box in there for time of day sailed ?
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stoke loader

Unread post by Wavos Rancheros »

Idea: When a sailing spot is highlighted in red on the latest reports page, have it come up in red on the home page to improve the stoke factor when the site first loads :P
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Unread post by bwd »

Thanks for the comments WR. I'm not ignoring you and will hopefully get back to some website improvements at some point. For the last few months I've been doing as little as possible on the website since I'm definitely losing interest. It's taking enough of my time just to keep things running as they are.

But suggestions are good so keep them coming. I might not respond right away since I'm hopefully out paddling or windsurfing instead of being at my computer :wink:
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Unread post by thankgodiatepastafobreaky »

Dave - This is such a great site and so many people use it - can't you make it pay you more so it is an income generating side gig. There are users and there are the sponsors. For the users it is a habitual part of the sport. There are likely more potential sponsors out there like the Sooke Marina you mentioned. There must be a way to make a bit more $$ to keep you interested. 8) You deserve it. Besides if you stop making improvements and just let the site run and do the odd tweak then it might not be so much work if you aren't too stoked at present.
curses - foiled again!
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Unread post by JL »

I'm with Greg on this ... Don't let this thing become a runaway train Dave : I would be content with the 'Latest reports' , 'Pressure slope' , 'Sailing Log', 'F-cast' & 'Message board' ... The rest can live on 'Facebook' , 'Flickr' or other sites that didn't even exist when you started this 'little' project. 8) Chillax Dewd ... p.s. Oh yeh you can't give up the Cams & the weather stations ............................... :roll:
Thermals are good.
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