Website loading problems

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Website loading problems

Unread post by bwd »

Kite Kook: Has anyone else had occasional difficulty loading this site over the last few days? It just seems to hang without loading for me, yet no problems loading all other sites... - Monday June 15, 5:15PM
Jl: I have ... Telus ? - Monday June 15, 5:18PM
Mortontoemike: Shaw too. - Monday June 15, 5:27PM
Kus: me too, both Shaw & Telus, mostly homepage, I think it's Islandnet's server - Monday June 15, 8:41PM

There are a few things that could cause this. The domain name is hosted by and the actual website is hosted, in part, by When things like this happen they tend to just blame each other. It is also very difficult to diagnose since it doesn't last very long.

So the next time it happens, please try a trace route and note the date/time and post here:

If you are using XP, go to the Start menu > Run > then type


copy and paste the results here.

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Unread post by bwd »

It's seems to be still happening...let me know? thanks
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Unread post by GWIND »

I'm on Mac on shaw and having trouble, unless I load a web cam address first then go to home page. Home page must be issue.
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Unread post by MartyD »

I have the same home page issue. If I load a cam first im fine.
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Unread post by JL »

I find the trace clears without me being able to copy it Dave ? :shock: I find that BWD boots up if I switch browsers ( IE - F-fox )
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Unable to load homepage

Unread post by jellyfish »

I've been experiencing the same problem recently. Unable to load the homepage unless I open a webcam. Fine this morning and now but unable to access the site around 4pm today. I have had the same problem a number of times in the past. Switched to Shaw this month after years of Telus torment. Thanks Dave for the service you provide to the rest of us is hugely appreciated 8)
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Unread post by bwd »

Thanks everyone. Sorry, it's a very annoying problem. I'm guessing it's an islandnet problem with how PHP pages are being handled. The problem is that all other islandnet pages I visit are fine. I will talk to support again in the morning.

When it happens next can you check these two pages:
1. => loads yes/no?
2. => loads yes/no?

I suspect 1 loads okay but 2 doesn't?

For the trace route: right click > select all > then hit enter. But you only need to post it if the trace does not end up at

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Unread post by JL »

I'm on it ... Winds up !!! :?
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Unread post by ~~~~~4j~~ »

It happened again late last night.
1. => loads yes/no?
2. => loads yes/no?

I suspect 1 loads okay but 2 doesn't?
This is exactly what happens to me: 1 loads, 2 doesn't. I tried the trace, but I too had trouble with it disappearing when it finishes. I tried Alt+PrtScreen and caught this when it was about 3/4 done.
BWD Trace.jpg
BWD Trace.jpg (39.18 KiB) Viewed 6983 times
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Unread post by KUS »

tried for quite a while yesterday, usually hitting reload repeatedly ends up finally loading the page or exiting firefox and then restarting works for me.

Yes, cams came up, no go on the forecast page OR the forum page, no go for over an hour. Gave up.

Good way to ease off the website, cutting back on the addiction :roll:
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Unread post by bwd »

Islandnet did some php upgrades today to try and fix the problem. Let me know if you have any more connection issues.
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Unread post by JL »

'php' hanging again ... BWD only available 'htm' ... For a while 8)
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Unread post by KUS »

for quite a while already, all pages for me and then all of a sudden they are all like lightning....then die again. :evil:
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Unread post by bwd »

I sent a message to Islandnet support at 7am this morning when I noticed it was still happening. They have made some changes so let me know if there are still problems.
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