Comox area - Windtalker vs Webcam

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Comox area - Windtalker vs Webcam

Unread post by GregK »

With Comox on the short list for a webcam, I'm wondering instead if there is a way to get more frequently updated windspeed & direction data instead of a cam pic. Seeing a chart of the wind trend in 5 or 10 minute increments is IMO way more useful input than a live pic when deciding to head out or not.

I have the ideal location in mind. The Canadian Coast Guard radio station up on the bluff at Cape Lazo looks right out onto the Strait, and is exposed to both prevailing wind directions ( SE and NW ). They already have an anemometer up there, on a mast above all trees on their site. They just need convincing to increase its reporting frequency. It's at an elevation of about 100 ft. so it might read a bit over.

One of the radio operators up there is a neighbor and would probably connect me with the site super. But with government bureaucracy, it's probably a pipe dream.

There are a few homes below the bluff that have pretty similar exposure, especially the last one on the road down there, which has excellent SE. What's involved in hosting a webcam or windtalker location ? If you need a local rep to talk to the home-owner, I'll do it.
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Unread post by Globe »

probably not the most convenient location but certainly the best indiction of whats going on at the spit due to occassional wind "bubbles" is at the bottom of my parents place - their property touches the parking lot at the spit... would probably be way too much cable to run down there though...

up top on the cliffs you tend to get a wind acceleration effect.

... would be nice.
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Unread post by bwd »

Hi Greg:

A weather station is cheaper then a webcam but a bit more setup is involved and they take a bit of work to keep going. I've been using the Davis wireless weather stations and they are pretty good. The total cost of the station and datalogger/network link is about $850. No computer is needed to run it and it hooks up to a router. The winds are updated every 3 secs.

Globe- the station is wireless with 300m line of sight range so no cable would be needed back to the house: ... pnum=06152

Maybe look into the coast guard station - of course getting more frequent updates from their anemometer would be the easiest way to go. Is that data online?

A webcam is more expensive but is a bit easier to set up. For an outdoor webcam it would be $600-$1500 depending on the zoom. Again the tricky part is finding a location with a good view, power and internet. No PC is required to run the webcam either.

I'm reluctant to put up any more webcams or weather stations at this point unless we have more people to look after them. We have 11 webcams and 3 weather stations and only a few volunteers so far. So it's taking to much of my time to keep things going and I'm losing interest. So for any new ventures I'd need someone to look after it and do a lot of the leg work to set it up. I don't mind helping out with the install or technical stuff.
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Unread post by GregK »

The Cape Lazo anemometer is fed to EC's SXCN24 CWVR Queen Charlotte, Johnstone Strait & West Coast Vancouver Is. North report, and it is already included in the BWD Latest Reports. Updates currently are every 2 or 3 hours.

We get by with hourly updates from the Comox airport and other nearby weather stations.

I will try for a contact at the Cape Lazo Coast Guard station.

Thanks for all your efforts, Dave.
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Unread post by duckbill »

I will gladly volunteer for any work on webcams/weather stations, I 'm an installer tech so I have the tools and flexible schedule. Courtenay to ladysmith. PM me if you want my cell phone number.
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Re: volunteers

Unread post by bwd »

duckbill wrote:I will gladly volunteer for any work on webcams/weather stations, I 'm an installer tech so I have the tools and flexible schedule. Courtenay to ladysmith. PM me if you want my cell phone number.
Thanks Bill, hopefully we can get the PA webcam back up, I'll send you an email.
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Unread post by eastside »

Double thanks Bill
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Unread post by nanmoo »

I was at Capital Iron yesterday and noticed they had weather stations on sale for what seemed like a really good price.
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