Sticky for Free Gear?

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Wavos Rancheros
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Sticky for Free Gear?

Unread post by Wavos Rancheros »

If there are people out there who have gear they would be willing to donate for others to learn with, maybe it would be a good idea to have a sticky for that, so that people who might be looking could piece together a working package of gear out of the pieces that get offered...yes/no/maybe? (I have some boards I would like to see gone!)
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Unread post by BA »

Great idea Wavos...I've got a few boards and sails to give away that still have a bit of life left in them.
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boards/sails/gear giveaways and learning....

Unread post by MAB »

Hi there

i live in nanoose bay and started windsurfing last year.

i would be most interest in some boards, i am at a stage where i can get up to a plane in a harness etc but continue to break the nose of my board!!! i am 6'3" about 180 lbs, i have 4 sails...any suggestions welcome..

you can email me a or reply to this comment

thanks mike
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Unread post by KUS »

if you are breaking the nose off the board, try a boom bra (or foam/old foot strap and duct tape) and a deviator (windance has them I think) mastbase and padding with foam

Breaking noses off boards catapulting is a favorite pastime for any windsurfer learning lines and harnesses. LET GO OF THE BACK HAND! OR JUMP OFF THE BOARD AND GO WITH THE SAIL, that way you only bruise your thigh and put holes in sails :lol: :oops:

if you post the gear in buysell for free they'd be gone next day. problem is people just pick them up cuz they are free but really have no use for them (wrong size, no other gear to go with them etc.), if they are $25 it's an incentive to actually put them to use
I can use a couple free mid 5 sails/larger board/larger boom for my Willows intros, already had to fix two sails (Thx RH for your help) and the remainder are ancient and covered in tuck tape :roll:

I have newbies who are ready for 100L boards, sails and masts, all of it and cannot find any for reasonable price. If boards have the finbox 1 foot from the nose or have a pintail tail, if the sails are "still good" and have pintails, rig on 520's etc. throw them away or cover your compost pile with them cuz u r not doing anyone a favor :idea:
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gear for free

Unread post by MAB »

thanks Kus

i have a deivator and may think of the putting a pad, maybe customize a little plastic etc...i've been thrown a few times, trouble is i get stuck in the harness and find it hard to realise from it before its too late...

anyway thanks for the info. looks like a good day in nanoose i might head out if the way stays above 15-17 knots...
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Re: Sticky for Free Gear?

Unread post by bwd »

Wavos Rancheros wrote:If there are people out there who have gear they would be willing to donate for others to learn with, maybe it would be a good idea to have a sticky for that, so that people who might be looking could piece together a working package of gear out of the pieces that get offered...yes/no/maybe? (I have some boards I would like to see gone!)
A sticky is just a single topic that shows at the top when you look at a forum. If I make a "free gear" topic sticky then it might get confusing when people start posting gear and then other people start asking a bunch of questions about certain gear. And when stuff is gone I would have to delete individual posts instead of the whole topic...kind of like how this thread already got confused :)

I would do what Kus suggested and post the stuff in the Buy&Sell (Description: Windsurfing or related items for sale, free to a good home, wanted etc.) with the words "Free Gear" in the title. That would keep the posts separate, easy to find and remove. The other option is to add a free gear forum, but I'm not sure if that's really needed and as long as you put Free in the title then I would think people could find them.

Anyway thats my opinion.
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Unread post by Wavos Rancheros »

I guess I was just thinking that it might expedite the process for people with stuff just sitting around, that's worth giving away. It's kind of inspiring to give stuff away, when you see a thread where others are doing it, (even if it gets royally confusing).

Also, if the initial post in the sticky laid out what gear is necessary to make a complete rig, and what fits with what, then first timers or relative newbies, might get the urge to just jump in and try.

I've seen lots of people learn on all sorts of gear, and part of the reason some love the sport is because they were able to get in cheap.

It worked for me :lol:
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Unread post by bwd »

I think you're a moderator which probably means you can make sticky posts and delete posts too. So if you want to give it a try and set it up and monitor it then it's fine by me. It is a good suggestion, I was just thinking that it might turn into a cluttered thread. But it's worth a try and recycling gear is good.
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Unread post by KUS »

i still think a moderate small charge separates the free stuff collector wannabe and then forget it windsurfers from the ones that really would use it....just my experience. 8)
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