harness preference

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Sandy Beach
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harness preference

Unread post by Sandy Beach »

Any ideas of a bifunctional harness that can be used for windsurfing and kiting? My Ocean Rodeo is breaking down and feels like a diaper. I'm ready to put some big girl pants on.
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big girl pants

Unread post by windsurf247 »

This should be an interesting thread :lol:
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sandy pants

Unread post by coastalsoul »

2 words

waist harness

works great for kiting and the last few years i windsurfed before i went over to the dark side I very much enjoyed the freedon and mobility of a waist harness in the waves and trying basic tricks windsurfing

still use it the occasional time i pole dance :wink:
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Unread post by nanmoo »

I used Windocs Ocean Rodeo Kite waist harness (for windsurfing) the other day while Jeff was using mine. I didn't want to go back, it was sweet, I can only imagine it would be as sweet for kiting.
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Unread post by pfillion »

I tried wais and seat harnesses and both have pros and cons. The best harness I ever tried so far is a Short Harness. So light that it feels like you don't even have a harness.

Its semmes to be the perfect balance between a waist which always goes up and a seat which feels like a diaper.
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downwind dave
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Unread post by downwind dave »

if you want to wear big girl pants you should get the kiteshorts with the harness built in, made by dakine. otherwise im sure any kite harness would be fine for windsurfing, the primary difference being the a big grab handle on the back. seats make your butt look big. :lol:
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hot water

Unread post by Sandy Beach »

Hey DWD, you're getting close to being in hot water with a comment like that, especially if you, Tobin and Julia venture over to play in the PA inlet in wil' west with us :D

It's all about feel anyways and not how ya look, otherwise, wetsuited-clad windsurfers would want to wear board shorts too :lol:

Yeah, board short harness may be something I'll look in to. Thanks!
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Unread post by firstonlastoff »

A windsurfer response.
I have sailed a seat harness for years, love it, yes it feels like a big diaper (when standing on the beach) but the whole point is for comfort holding down big race sails when ripping on the water. Someone said above, sails >6.0 m2 sails are ideal for a seat harness. Can't add anything to that one.
I have also have had the mispleasure of sailing with a too large of a waist harness. Spent lots of reaches having it ride up to somewhere near my armpits, just lovely. I recently picked up a waist harness that fits (in the store), and sailed it for a week in the Gorge on sails <5.3 m2 in size and loved the feel. Kus said it above, keep the shoulders rolled out further than the hips, and no problem.
For me, now, the best part is I have a back up for those opportune times when straps fail, and they do. (My seat harness manufacturer has seen my seat harness now 2 times.)
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Unread post by thankgodiatepastafobreaky »

The Nitrous by Dakine is a great seat harness that looks like a pair of shorts, and it can't break your ribs if you bail from a big jump as it is way to low for that. (My previous harness style broke my rib). I haven't tried it windsurfing as I prefer the Reactor Bar and it isn't compatible with the Nitrous.
curses - foiled again!
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