Port Alberni, getting put on the map as a wind playground

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Sandy Beach
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Port Alberni, getting put on the map as a wind playground

Unread post by Sandy Beach »

It's the first, start-up season for Wild West Watersports on the Alberni waterfront, and there has been leaps and bounds made in just a few short months with the support and sweat equity of many helping hands and donations! Thank-you all :)

Port Alberni is getting put on the map as an outdoor adventure mecca with warm, predictable winds for wind sport athletes to enjoy.

The wind sport community have been people coming from as far as
Switzerland, Mexico, Japan, Austria, Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, Vancouver, Squamish, Greater Victoria, Nanaimo, Lantzville, Nanoose, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Port Alberni, and Courtney/Comox. Most of the people are smiling, repeat users.

Spectators that are seeing the beautiful kites and windsurfing sails set against the mountain backdrop are very interested and are starting to see Port Alberni as a mid-island destination wind playground.

We are open for kiteboarding lessons now with support jetski, and have wide open spaces on the inlet with consistent, predictable thermal winds and warm water.

Contact Matt for more information and reservations for lessons.

The unique, 'finger into the wind' pontoon/kite launch ramp is in place and open for kiteboarders of all levels.


If you're venturing over to the island from Vancouver, Wild West Watersports in Port Alberni is a short drive across the island from the Nanaimo ferry/airport and is on the way to/from Nitinat (through the China Creek access).

This is the first season of access onto the Port Alberni water, so, you could feel like a pioneer and be one of the first to kite and windsurf the Alberni inlet!
Life is all about balance, and a dose of healthy wind addiction
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