Russian Dood - we're thinking of you!

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Russian Dood - we're thinking of you!

Unread post by C36 »

:!: The purpose of this thread is a simple one - to offer encouragement to Russian Dood during his healing journey. To let him know that he is not walking this journey alone. :D :wink:
Russian Dood wrote: Just got back from an oncologyst. The sentence is simple 6 weeks of radio plus few months on chemo. Sounds like a lot but I guess I have to take it. I'll be like new by Christmas! And in March I'll be looping again! - Wednesday September 07, 5:49PM
The show of support doesn't have to be all at once, as from what he posted above, the journey is likely to be more of long distance race than a sprint. So whenever you think of a memory that you would like to share or see something you think would make RD smile. Please post it to encourage RD! :D

So I'll start off with my first instalment. A few pictures from BWD Oregon Wavesailing Tour 2011. These were shared briefly with RD at the coffee house in Gold Beach one morning, but through my oversight were not posted with the others on flickr (until today). :oops: So I hope seeing them helps to brighten your day RD (even if it is just a little). :wink:

Pistol River – 2011 June 23




RD: If you are not comfortable with this, please let me know and I will have the moderator delete the thread.

\edit (2011 Sept 9) = replaced links with embedded images
Last edited by C36 on Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by bwd »

Some words of support from the messageboard:

Frank: russian boy, ...welcome to the survivor club!... sending you healing waves... - Wednesday September 07, 6:31PM

Sandy Beach: RD: thanks for sharing, the wind community's behind you. - Wednesday September 07, 6:43PM

Kite Kook: Russian Dude - We'll hit the water together in the Spring! You will be in my thoughts until I see you on the water again! - Wednesday September 07, 8:56PM

More Force 4: RD - good to hear from you. I have a small selection of wind movies your welcome to borrow! - Wednesday September 07, 9:06PM

Bwd: Thanks for the update RD. I hope you know how many people out here care and are thinking about you every day. A tough road ahead, but you are the strongest guy I know so you'll beat it. I hope to see you soon. - Wednesday September 07, 9:12PM

C36: RD: Glad to see an update. Cancer can be beaten - my Mom is a 7 year survivor (breast cancer) and my Dad is 17 year/3 year survivor (bowel/prostrate). Please take the time you need to focus on the matters at hand and come back stronger than ever! My thoughts are with you during your healing journey. If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know (you don't have to travel alone). - Thursday September 08, 2:48PM

Thankgodiatepastafobreaky: good to hear you are doing well post-op Russian Dood!!! - Thursday September 08, 3:27PM

Thelaw: Great news RD! Good luck brah! - Thursday September 08, 7:53PM

Now That I’ve Given Up Hope, I Feel Much Better
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Unread post by ~~~~~4j~~ »

See you here soon:


Or maybe sooner, like CB this winter?

Now where is that photo with the crocs?
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Unread post by Russian Dood »

Thank you all guys!

Your encouragement and appreciation means the world to me. Everything you say makes me feel even stronger that i am going to beat this thing pretty soon! Thank you guys!

BTW The pictures are great!
Cancer must die!
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Unread post by KUS »

More meat cookies at the Russian Diner soon please :) Looking forward, buddy :!: man, too many good pix, here is just a few of the best trip EVER

IMG_5687.JPG (221.9 KiB) Viewed 19042 times
IMG_5478.JPG (234.15 KiB) Viewed 19039 times
IMG_5533.JPG (195.81 KiB) Viewed 19039 times
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Unread post by kitesurferdale »

Jeez that is crazy news.....Hang in and do your best to keep well RD.....will be looking for you on the water soon!
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Unread post by JL »

Russian Intelligence requires your services Dude 8)
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Unread post by winddoctor »

~~~~~4j~~ wrote:Now where is that photo with the crocs? ... p?pid=9208 8)
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Salmon color Crocs, tough - like the fish - What compares?

Hang in there Buddy, throw some Lady Gaga on and power through this!
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Unread post by Miyagi »

Our prayers are with you.
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Unread post by Russian Dood »

Hi guys!

Sorry for the long silence - wasn't much to reply. The docs are waiting for my head to heal up after the surgery so they can continue helping me killing the damn thing.

I had the last pre treatment appointment with an oncologist today. He said that not much changed. They found another tiny spot in my head next to the place where original tumor was removed, the decision was to wait for the final blood test to come up and start radio and chemo as soon as possible.

So it looks like the next week or so I am starting on 6 weeks of every day radio and chemo treatment. And after that I'll have 6 cycles of chemo weeks one after three weeks.

Cancer, you picked up a wrong guy! You are going down!



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Unread post by JL »

Thanks for the update RD ... Great attitude 8)
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Good luck buddy, just let us know if you need anything!

Are you off work while you fight this?
Don't forget to bring a towel!
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RD, indeed we are!

Unread post by voodmon »

Wishing you all the best RD, our thoughts are with you collectively, I am sure of that. Cheers.
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Unread post by C36 »


You can do it! Just pull out our pirate swords (courage, strength and determination - you've got them all.) and prepare for battle! You can pop over sessions as cleanly as you can pop over waves!

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