Old gear retirement

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more force 4
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Old gear retirement

Unread post by more force 4 »

If you delete old gear does it just disappear from the database? I'd like to keep the stats etc, but it would be nice to have a 'retired' setting so all that old stuff doesn't clutter up logging a session. This is an RD thing, isn't it? Hope you're well enough to consider this.
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Unread post by JL »

Don't be scared, just remove it :roll:
Thermals are good.
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downwind dave
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Unread post by downwind dave »

old stuff deleted from the 'toybox' is still listed in logs and stats. you can keep your toybox up to date. cluttered or not is your decision, just like the back of your van, garage etc. :lol:
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used gear?

Unread post by AC »

What about our used and destroyed Kites that we can not sell.
Does anyone have a purpose for them?
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