Kailua Bay?

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Kailua Bay?

Unread post by friendlyfire »

Years ago I stayed at Kailua Bay on Oahu for family vacations and a bit of mellow windsurfing. This spot works for us because there is something for everyone and accommodation is available near the beach (unlike Maui where the conditions are better but I'd always be leaving the rest of the family to head out to Kanaha or wherever)

At the time kiting was getting going. Now I'm fully into the sport and looking forward to some a bit of kiteboarding myself.

If anyone has any updates on the scene there please post back. Crowds?
Rules and regulations? Lessons?

I have a guidebook but could use other feedback to complete the picture.
btw, my plan is to take my 8m, 12m a twin tip, and maybe buy a surfboard over there.

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Unread post by friendlyfire »

replying to my own thread...
A short stretch of beach is designated for kite and wiindsurfing launch but the signage is not very good and sometimes there are little kids playing right in the action zone. The local protocol is to rig the kite on the grass and then carry it down to the sand for launch.

Everyone is pretty helpful and the beach is definitly not croweded. The water is warm enough that no suit is required, but I like to wear my shorty to avoid harness wedgie.

The weather here is a bit on and off but my 12m is working well. Three days so far and looking forward to another week. I've been riding on a twin tip but this is definitely surfboard country. There are a couple of breaks about 1km out. Ocean swell is light to moderate so here the wave height is about head high.

Best part of the vacation is that the cottage is a short walk to the beach so no driving required!
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Unread post by GregK »

Please fill your luggage with wind and bring us back some !!!
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Kailua was cool but

Unread post by skywalker »

Kailua is really close to the busy city. Not what you came to see. There are plenty of spots on the north shore.

I just spent a week on the north shore kiting. Here are sue good spots

Hau'ula reef lagoon
http://www.oceanrodeo.com/crewsite/crew ... auula-oahu

Molukea beach park
http://www.oceanrodeo.com/crewsite/crew ... beach-park

Sunset beach


Plenty of non crowded spots on the north shore. All country. No town.
these are not the pumps you are looking for....
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