Twitter for Tsunamis (BC Emergency Notification Process)

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Twitter for Tsunamis (BC Emergency Notification Process)

Unread post by ~~~~~4j~~ »

I thought this was worth reposting here, since we are all often at the beach [hopefully]! A timely warning would benefit us in the case of an emergency, especially a tsunami. From recent news reports it seems that the Twitter Text Message option is an effective/expedient alert method.

B.C. modifies, enhances emergency notification process ... 001764.htm

In short, if you are on Twitter you can:
-- follow @NWS_WCATWC and @EmergencyInfoBC, or
-- text ‘follow NWS_WCATWC’ and ‘follow EmergencyInfoBC’ to 21212 to receive Twitter SMS updates (if your mobile plan allows for premium text messages).

Oh, and of course if you are near the ocean and you feel a large earthquake, you should go inland or to higher ground immediately – do not wait for an official warning!
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