Ogden Point Weather Station Meltdown

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Ogden Point Weather Station Meltdown

Unread post by Aboba »

I didn't get the details on what happened, but it will likely be down for a few weeks.
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Unread post by KUS »

I have sent several emails now, asking for it to be repaired, quick response as below, bummer:
"Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, the database management system crashed and could not be restarted. As well, the weather server operating system and both the server and the managing software are having severe issues and need to be replaced. The GVHA IT team is working with our IT consultant and the weather station apparatus supplier on replacing the server and management system. No timeline for replacement as yet.


Karina Monsalve | Stakeholder Relations Assistant| Greater Victoria Harbour Authority
189 Dallas Road, Victoria, BC V8V 1A1
( 250.383.8300 ex 239| Fax: 250.383.8322

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Unread post by JL »

Let's see how quickly it's repaired when the next cruise ship 'bumps' into Ogden pt. :idea:
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by more force 4 »

My landlord was supposed to switch out the instrumentation this week and test/calibrate it. Then he was going to take home the old station and figure out what needed repair/replace there so it was ready to switch if/when the new one failed. He told me last night this was now on hold because of the computer system failure, apparently some major problem. Might be a few weeks yet!
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Unread post by Snarfer »

Obviously we we knew who rules the weather in the lower island - hey can you make it wind this weekend?
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Unread post by abetanzo »

just sent another email asking about when this might be done as its been a couple long months without any data!!
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Unread post by KUS »

From: Karina Monsalve <kmonsalve>
Sent: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 10:09:56 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Ogden Point Weather Station

Good morning,

I'm pleased to inform you that our weather station is up and running again. http://www.victoriaharbour.org/

Have a great day,

Karina Monsalve | Stakeholder Relations Assistant| Greater Victoria Harbour Authority
189 Dallas Road, Victoria, BC V8V 1A1
* 250.383.8300 ex 239| Fax: 250.383.8322
* Cell 250.893.5375

Hi Karina- we have noted this with great joy (no, really!!) and I am remiss to thank you all for getting it up and running again. Thank you for sharing your weather data online, it is much appreciated! mk 8)

----- Original Message -----
From: Karina Monsalve <kmonsalve>
No problem Markus. We are happy to have this service back too. It proved to be a big project!

Have a great day,

Excellent and well done! There are many users in our area and I know you don't receive credit or kudos for keeping this valuable system running or repairing it, as in this case. I just want to assure you that there are many grateful folks (confirmed hundreds but probably thousands) out there though not all (or any) may say so directly: THANK YOU! again to your team. Best of the Season to you all. mk
Last edited by KUS on Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by bwd »

KUS wrote:Hi Karina- we have noted this with great joy (no, really!!) and I am remiss to thank you all for getting it up and running again. Thank you for sharing your weather data online, it is much appreciated! mk 8)
Excellent! I wish more people would do this and thank people and organizations for the wind/weather/models/webcams that we are lucky to have (and I don't mean thank me :) , but the webcam hosts etc). Many of us are so used to having these things available and seem to think that we are entitled to them now :roll:
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weather data thx

Unread post by Sandy Beach »

bwd wrote:
KUS wrote:Hi Karina- we have noted this with great joy (no, really!!) and I am remiss to thank you all for getting it up and running again. Thank you for sharing your weather data online, it is much appreciated! mk 8)
Excellent! I wish more people would do this and thank people and organizations for the wind/weather/models/webcams that we are lucky to have (and I don't mean thank me :) , but the webcam hosts etc). Many of us are so used to having these things available and seem to think that we are entitled to them now :roll:
Thx for posting this, bwd and kus! I agree with this important message, and hope more people show their thanks for such amazing and accessible information to help us all plan for so many things in our weather-dependent lives. We are very fortunate to have our Van.Island wind community and I think bwd has a lot to do with that!
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Unread post by Teabag »

Many of us are so used to having these things available and seem to think that we are entitled to them now
I was one of them, but not any more, thanks for reminding me :oops:
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Thanks Markus.
Don't forget to bring a towel!
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