LaVentana Questions

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LaVentana Questions

Unread post by G-Daddy »

Thinking about making a trip down to La Ventana for the first time this fall. The wind season on the web is 'November to April' but I can't locate anything with actual historical wind strength records.

We were thinking some time in November, but then a friend who had been down there quite a few years ago told me the wind really doesn't get going consistently until December.

Any tips from the LV 'frequent flyers' about when it's truly windy and worth the trip? When is it good for WS?
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La Ventana

Unread post by CRiver gal »

I am certainly no expert but might as well give you my recent experience with La Ventana.
I guess I could be considered now a novice windsurfer....learned as a teenager and just last year took in on to a higher level. Very fit, strong so I caught on quick. Still have not put that much time into it but we did go to Baja for a month last November. Note that I did go with someone who was very experienced. We both had fantastic days on the water. We had also heard November is just at the early start of the season. Our findings were that we loved November, first off for the awesome warm temperatures, and we also had wind most days and even my buddy got out for what I am guessing was 20-25 knott winds. By the end I was out in close to the 20knot winds, waterstarting, harness and all. So for me it was really exciting. We had maybe 1 day out of the week with no wind.....but then we loved the break for some mountain biking and swimming.
So there is a novice's feedback.
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Unread post by Martin »

Some of our own Laventana stats compiled by marion. She could go back much further but these were at hand.
The following are kiteable days ie. sometimes with a skim board or surfy board. We don't count 17m kite days as only one or two kites get out.
When I used to windsurf, I had at least 50% less time on the water.

Nov. 2007 11 days
Nov. 2008 22 days
Nov. 2009 23 days
Nov. 2010 22 days
Nov. 2011 19 days
Nov. 2012 18 days
Nov. 2013 17 days

I didn't kite on all these days but there was a North wind of at least 13kts.
December is always windier. Stronger and more days.
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Unread post by Martin »

If I was to plan a trip this fall/Winter I would push it later rather than earlier.
The eastern Pacific is already up to tropical storm "Karina" and there is a 70% chance of the next one forming within a day or two which will be "Lowell".
A very active season. Check out ElNino, LaNina for 2014.
This should in all probability cause a later start to the season.
There, I have already told you more than I know!
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Unread post by Martin »

The strong tropical storms/tropical depression season gives more rain to normally dry Baja. More moisture means more "bobo's" and mosquitoes especially early in the season.
Oh well, break out the Deet! martin
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Thermals are good.
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Unread post by thankgodiatepastafobreaky »

After 6 seasons I would say Jan is the best wind (but coldest with a 5/4 wetsuit to stay comfortable and a down jacket in the evening.) Feb is the second best month with the cold in the 4 corners still kicking great wind, Dec is the third best month, and Nov and March tied for the least desirable but still windy months. If you can swing it come after new years for best wind and more space on the water. We are thinking of driving down in Feb or March if we are able to. Fingers crossed!
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Unread post by Martin »

It is a very active tropical storm season this year!

a triple header!
a triple header!
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Unread post by Brass Munkey »

and it looks like a FOURTH forming to the west and south... ... ,28.95,552
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Re: LaVentana Questions

Unread post by KUS »

G-Daddy wrote:can't locate anything with actual historical wind strength records.
Iwindsurf has full historical daily data, you just have to be willing to scroll thru :idea:
Wish less, sail more!!
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Unread post by nanmoo »

Those damn hurricanes messed up the wind in San Carlos this week and sent ridiculous short period massive swell. No thanks!
Don't forget to bring a towel!
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Unread post by Martin »

Pretty impressive our Marie!
Glad I am not there right now.
Glad I am not there right now.
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Unread post by Martin »

And they just keep on coming!
This is Norbert. Glad I am not on the beach in Baja..........yet.
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Unread post by JL »

Thermals are good.
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Unread post by thankgodiatepastafobreaky »

norbert then odile and now polo!!!

from the View:
Amigos, This is the only specific report received from our area....probably for lack of power or internet. R.

"(Monday) Odile blew in for about 7 hours at hurricane force winds which did major damage to plants. Everything is still green but missing half their leaves and lots of branches. Palapas, tin roofs and electric/phone poles damaged. According to Rigo there are at least 10 poles down before the cross roads and one right here at the resort. Lines are down on the ground everywhere. He says La Paz radio says it could be ten days before we have power/phone, because of the next one coming they may not address much of it till the new one passes. We had very little rain, maybe another 3 inches but not much more rutting or erosion than from the last rain. Mary S"

Tropical Storm Polo seems to be next. ... san-lucas/
curses - foiled again!
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