Jaime Kite board

General discussions about kiting: equipment, setup tips, safety, where to go, where you should have been, lost and found
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Jaime Kite board

Unread post by windridergirl »

Hi Everyone,

I am pretty much a newbie and lost my Jaime kite board on the lake at Nitnat this past Sunday(June 7). If anyone has found it, heard about it being found or knows how I could go about finding it please let me know. I would love get it back again! Thanks in advance for your help!
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Unread post by SmallWaveSteve »

Put a notice up in the store window, as well as post up on sportfishing bc.
I had that happen a couple years ago. Wind died, outgoing tide, and board ended up in the current from the river. Only took the board a couple hours to be picked up in the narrows.
Good luck!
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Location: Sidney

Unread post by windridergirl »

Thanks smallwavesteve. I will try what you suggested. I sure hope it shows up!
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Lost Board

Unread post by Jim »

I have found two boards by walking the beach down at the end of the lake. Drive out of the campsite, through the village, till you can see the lake on your left. Take first left and go to the parking lot near the boat launch. There are trails that go into the forest and come out on the beach but you have to wade a small stram to get to the main beach. Just walk it as far as you can and many boards end up there by being driven by the wind. It is a longish walk but worth it. Quite interesting too.
Jim Richardson
Victoria BC
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