Hey folks,
Remember the awesome hiking / mountain bike loop trail that went up the river and the crossed back to the campsite road? The river washed out some of it and the blow-down got still more. Now it is almost impassable. i have a plan to rebuild it. You can download the map here . Anybody interested, please contact me by e-mail RICHARDSONJIM@SHAW.CA or cel 250 661-6135. I'm willing to coordinate but can't do it alone and it would like some help. It can be done as a group effort, and also by individuals on their own once the route is flagged. I'll be at Nitinaht from Sunday night June 28 to July 8. I’d like to get interested folks together and flag the route and make a start on cutting the trail. I’ll post the map I linked above at the campsite and on my car so people can find me. Hopefully we’ll do this in the mornings and no-wind days. Do you have ideas on how to connect with interested people? Anybody have tools or trail building experience. Please pass this on to them. Any suggestions as to how to better arrange this is also welcome. Thanks - Jim
Remember the awesome hiking / mountain bike loop trail that went up the river and the crossed back to the campsite road? The river washed out some of it and the blow-down got still more. Now it is almost impassable. i have a plan to rebuild it. You can download the map here . Anybody interested, please contact me by e-mail RICHARDSONJIM@SHAW.CA or cel 250 661-6135. I'm willing to coordinate but can't do it alone and it would like some help. It can be done as a group effort, and also by individuals on their own once the route is flagged. I'll be at Nitinaht from Sunday night June 28 to July 8. I’d like to get interested folks together and flag the route and make a start on cutting the trail. I’ll post the map I linked above at the campsite and on my car so people can find me. Hopefully we’ll do this in the mornings and no-wind days. Do you have ideas on how to connect with interested people? Anybody have tools or trail building experience. Please pass this on to them. Any suggestions as to how to better arrange this is also welcome. Thanks - Jim
Jim Richardson
Victoria BC
Victoria BC