Port Alberni,petition to cancel lease on plywood site

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Sandy Beach
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Port Alberni,petition to cancel lease on plywood site

Unread post by Sandy Beach »

<a href="/https://www.change.org/p/person-ask-cit ... =og.shares" target="_blank">Petition , Port Alberni city waterfront (next to Canal Beach) </a>

Background: Next to Canal Beach (the rest of the former Plywood Mill Site is city-owned waterfront land)

A year ago, the city signed a contract with PAPA to lease the land for 25 yrs, for Canadian Alberni Engineering (CAE) to do a ship building contract. A promise of 150 jobs. The lease indicates operations to start within the year. Newspaper (Sept25/14) reports about new 'ship-building' industry to bring jobs to PA <a href="/http://www.albernivalleynews.com/news/277136941.html" target="_blank">Alberni Valley News, Building for the future, Sept2014</a>

CAE's ship building contract fell through months ago. No ship building will be happening.

None of the conditions of the contract between city+PAPA+CAE were met, including improvements to Canal Beach, greenbelt, stairway from upper parking lot, etc.

Reviewing the contract, since no conditions have been met, on July 1, 2015, city can give notice to PAPA to cancel the lease. City (tax-payers of PA) are the landlord and PAPA is the tenant.

There are many indications that mayor+city do not want public discussion about this, as they work in meetings to maintain heavy industry and messy log sort on this prime waterfront land.

Here's the radio interview from last year June 2014 about the plywood site next to canal beach
<a href="/https://www.facebook.com/SiG72/videos/1 ... 6980314728" target="_blank">local Peak93.3FM radio interview about Canal Beach and plywood site from June2014</a>

With very little public access to inlet on Port Alberni's waterfront, please consider signing the petition to ask city to cancel lease with PAPA. We appreciate many of your signatures already. This petition was at Canal Beach during last weekend's ACDC - SUP event and garnered lots of support.
<a href="/https://www.change.org/p/person-ask-cit ... =og.shares" target="_blank">Petition , Port Alberni city waterfront (next to Canal Beach) </a>
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