Kiting for Kids Crossing Georgia Strait Fri July 3

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Kiting for Kids Crossing Georgia Strait Fri July 3

Unread post by Sandy Beach »

Ken Droog of 'Kiting for Kids' wrote:
"Green light. We will be attempting to cross the Georgia strait tomorrow morning. meeting at Sebastion Beach at the end of Sebastion Rd. in Lantzville.

All team who can make it....we plan to meet at Sebastion Rd around 7:30 tomorrow morning and leaving around 8am. Target Davis Bay for our mainland touchdown location ( wind permitting) then back to pipers Lagoon in Nanaimo as our landing spot.

Truck will shuttle the gear and kiters back to Lantzville.

Kiters please confirm when possible email or call or text 250-951-4777 (Ken's cell) "

Looks like a great time!!
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Unread post by GregK »

Where is the website to make a donation for this event ?

Googled " kite for kids" but no luck there. Is it the generic BC Children's Hospital donation page - ??
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Unread post by GregK »

found it through FaceBook , good ol' FB -
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Unread post by juandesooka »

GregK wrote:found it through FaceBook , good ol' FB -
Thanks Greg. If you go through kitingforkids website, and click Donate Now, you get redirected to the BC Childrens Hospital donation page, with it attributed to this event.

We are $1000 away from the $20,000 goal!
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Unread post by abetanzo »

Once people get a chance it would be good to hear what went good and bad!! I heard the separation was an issue again which could be a much bigger issue on the west coast downwinder because there isn't anywhere near as many, even any boaters about to assist!
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Unread post by JL »

That's a good idea.
Thermals are good.
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Kiting for Kids Georgia Strait Crossing July 3/15 feedback

Unread post by Sandy Beach »

What an epic adventure today! Here's some input.
Next time, here's a few suggestions from safety boat perspective.
1) Kiters could buddy up...stick with one other kite, if possible,
2) Flare and radio on each kiter, for better communication,
3) One support boat for 3-4 kiters would be better.
4) Skipper's meeting with support boat crew before start.
Overall, a wild adventure and success with no injuries or gear failure. Each kiter had a unique and different ending with landing on other side, on tug, cruise yacht, various islands, turning back mid-strait to get back safely, and one grabbed from water after self-rescue.
We managed to connect throughout the crossing with each kiter (either to re-direct their trajectory, or pass them a different board (surf or twin-tip), plus some moral support to keep going.
With these kite adventures, wind is the big uncontrollable factor, and this prevented a successful crossing back and forth of 35 km. Kiters were travelling in big swell conditions at an average of 22-25 km/hr. Dane had a GoPro that clocked his faster speed at 39km/hr.
Driver, Mike, of support boat was awesome and assistant, Rudy was incredible too.
A day that we will all remember.
These kiters raised $20,000 for Children's Hospital with this adventure today.
Congratulations to everyone who participated, supported and was involved with this journey.
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Unread post by JL »

I'm glad it ended well & $ was raised but there were some serious flaws in the plan :?
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by juandesooka »

In the end, a fun adventure.

Kudos to Scott F aka snapper ... by my count he is the only one who got over there and back to the LZ under his own steam. Taking the high tack was wise!
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