Kiteoween 2015 - Squamish Spit
Kiteoween 2015 - Squamish Spit
ITS ON!! Kiteoween 2015
Sunday August 30th at the Squamish spit.
12pm to 4pm
Prizes for best kiters in costumes.
Check out the new website:
Many kiter costume titles being held that are up for challenges... you know who you are!!
Its going to be SICK! (in a good way of course)
Entry fee by donation*
See you all there!

Sunday August 30th at the Squamish spit.
12pm to 4pm
Prizes for best kiters in costumes.
Check out the new website:
Many kiter costume titles being held that are up for challenges... you know who you are!!
Its going to be SICK! (in a good way of course)
Entry fee by donation*
See you all there!

Im pretty sure I have 6-9 smurf outfit. (a full body suit blue, smurfs hat, some white long jong, we might need extra white long jong and white glove which should not be hard to find)
Anybody wants in?
Departure Victoria 0600 am
Departure Nanaimo ferry 0830 am
Horshoe bay to Squamish: 1030 - > 1120. am
Back with the 2130 (0930 pm) ferry which mean to be safe would need to leave Squamish at max 1930 (0730 pm). We would reserve ticket obviously.
Im doing it if there is at least 5 other smurfs with me for a total of at least 6 smurfs. If there is more I would really not mind giving my smurf costume so I can be and act on the spit like Mr W.
Anybody wants in?
Departure Victoria 0600 am
Departure Nanaimo ferry 0830 am
Horshoe bay to Squamish: 1030 - > 1120. am
Back with the 2130 (0930 pm) ferry which mean to be safe would need to leave Squamish at max 1930 (0730 pm). We would reserve ticket obviously.
Im doing it if there is at least 5 other smurfs with me for a total of at least 6 smurfs. If there is more I would really not mind giving my smurf costume so I can be and act on the spit like Mr W.