Windsurfing La Push, WA

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Windsurfing La Push, WA

Unread post by stokeometer »

Hey guys, just wondering if anyone had any experience with windsurfing at La Push, WA?

I have some friends who do surf missions there quite often, and wondering what it might be like with a big south forecast (like may happen on Saturday).

Trying to plan my weekend wind-chase, any opinions appreciated! Thanks.

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Unread post by AC »

I hope u get it ! Awsome spot ...
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Unread post by nanmoo »

There's a video in YouTube I saw once of a guy on big gear sailing there.
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Unread post by KUS »

was there once on a winter S storm, it was not inviting, didn't see any sets area or decent break.....also couldn't tell where the rocks were....I didn't go out so my experience is limited, look forward to any positive review as I have thought about this place a lot. I too have heard big gear sessions have occurred.

MM5 forecast at this time doesn't appear to agree with MagicSeaweed, wishing MSW is right! A decent, however S, 4 day forecast 8)
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ruby beach?

Unread post by juandesooka »

Have surfed it a few times, don't know it well...don't recall it being particularly windy, but who knows.

Westport is not that far from there....nice jetty surf and wind.

There's also that section where the 101 goes along the water, between Ruby Beach and Kalaloch, with a campground all along it. That looks like it should have epic fun potential....but dunno nuttin about it.
Last edited by juandesooka on Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Geoffy »

Sailed it once on a reasonable (6-foot sets) west swell and light South winds. 101L wave board and 5.3. Wind was cross-on in front of the resort which was do-able and felt really safe. Break was much larger at the south end of La Push and the surfers had rights so I didn't bother going down there. Nice wave face, not too hollow so good for bigger gear and single fin set-ups, easy punch-out with the break as well.

Lots of potential (and cheap lodging if they're not booked up) - but nothing was open in town for eating out (it was late May.)
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