Beacon Hill Flag - Please write to mayor

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Beacon Hill Flag - Please write to mayor

Unread post by skywalker »

Hi BWDers

Victoria City Hall is considering putting a first nations long house on top of Beacon Hill, which is great.


As you all know, that flag is extremely important to us. It helps kiters identify wind shifts in the late fall, and is a general source of stoke.

Please take a minute to write the mayor to make sure the flag stays if the long house is approved ... uncil.html
these are not the pumps you are looking for....
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Unread post by Snarfer »

Did it. Reminded them it's an aid to navigation.
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Unread post by skywalker »

Jeremy Loveday (Councillor)

Hi Luke,

Thanks for the supportive email and for sharing the info about windsurfers using the flag for safety. I never would have guessed. Great to have this information.

All the best,


Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 7, 2015, at 4:11 PM, "<mailto>" <<mailto>> wrote:

Dear Mr. Acker,

Thank you for your email regarding the flag pole at Beacon Hill, it has been shared with Mayor and Council. I have also shared it with our Parks department for their awareness. Thanks for letting us know.


Monica Dhawan
Correspondence Coordinator
Citizen Engagement and Strategic Planning
City of Victoria
these are not the pumps you are looking for....
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Unread post by Snarfer »

I got a reply too.

Dear Mr. Caws,

Thank you for your email regarding the proposed longhouse, and the flag pole at Beacon Hill. Your message has been shared with Mayor and Council, and I have also shared it with our Parks department for their awareness. Thank you for letting us know.


Monica Dhawan
Correspondence Coordinator
Citizen Engagement and Strategic Planning
City of Victoria
1 Centennial Square, Victoria BC V8W 1P6

T 250.361.0516

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2015 10:06 PM
Subject: Mayor and Council email

From: Greg Caws
Email :
Reference :
Daytime Phone :
I support the new longhouse on Beacon Hill. Can you please ensure the flag-pole stays up. Many sailors rely on it for wind direction, as odd as that may seem. I just thought you should know it's an aid to navigation.
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