Come to Cape Hatteras in AUGUST Kiresurfing Heaven!

General discussions about kiting: equipment, setup tips, safety, where to go, where you should have been, lost and found
Paul Burgoyne
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Aug 24, 2014 4:06 pm

Come to Cape Hatteras in AUGUST Kiresurfing Heaven!

Unread post by Paul Burgoyne »

I can't believe I received no replies from my last post so I will add some additional information. I went last year for the first time with 24 people form the prairies. I windsurfed for 35 years and I have never seen such good sailing conditions as I experienced last year at Cape Hatteras.
We are just 100 meters from some of the best kite surfing on the planet. Or, it is a short drive to several great spots depending on wind direction. You can surf the waves ocean-side or the flat water inside the sound where it is waist deep for miles. We do 10 mile down-winders in groups almost daily.
You will stay in a beautiful beach house where each person has their own bedroom and bathroom and you will eat well - a little too well.
$1000 Can. covers all your food and accommodation for 2 weeks - How can you beat that?
I only need 4 more people to fill our own beach house.
Reply to this post or give me a call;604-728-4784
Paul [/youtube]
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