Orthopaedic surgeon recommendations?

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more force 4
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Orthopaedic surgeon recommendations?

Unread post by more force 4 »

So first warmup run of the year and hit rocks under some powder. Rental boots hurt so much that I had left the top buckle and strap really loose. Never thought of the outcome with a hard forward fall. Result a total rupture of the Achilles. Welcome to Red Mountain! The orthopaedic surgeon I saw in trail was pretty experienced and went for a cast with pla
ntar flexion rather than surgery. Back to Victoria soon and I will need a specialist for further treatment. Anyone know who is the best in town so I can request him on a referral?

Looks like 3-4 months before getting back on the water or a bike. 6 months at least for windsurfing. Bummed!!!!!!
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Unread post by HiyoSilver »

:shock: Ouch, that sucks big time, MF!! :( :(
Did you see Dr. McVicar in Trail? He is good!
Sorry, no recommendations for Vic...
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Unread post by Wingnut »

Sorry to hear about the injury mf4, I would highly recommend Dr. Bruce, McAllister if he hasn't already retired.
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Unread post by Geoffy »

Sorry to hear of this MF4. Cannot believe that a total tear would not require surgery though, how do they get it to rejoin/realign? Best of luck healing and re-habbing my friend.
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Unread post by more force 4 »

I did see Dr. McVicar (which sounds eerily like McGyver), we talked skiing and sailing. The ultrasound showed the tendon ends coming together with plantar flexion, so that is the way they casted it. Because of poor blood circulation there, there are a lot of complications with surgery and the healing time is only marginally quicker. Equal final outcomes apparently; McVicar said actually better with casting.
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Re: Orthopaedic surgeon recommendations?

Unread post by KUS »

more force 4 wrote:So first warmup run of the year and hit rocks under some powder...Result a total rupture of the Achilles ...3-4 months before getting back on the water or a bike. 6 months at least for windsurfing. Bummed!!!!!!
huge mega drag :!: feel super bad for u Morley :shock: :? Heal up well in time for the lake/Oregon :idea: My only experience surgically has been Yoneda for knees, exceptional. McAllister for knees hips, apparently my hip guy Burnett is top o the heap for that....not sure who does ankles/Achilles work, try Stone (Morewind liked his work) or Burnett?

try http://www.rebalancemd.com/about/team/
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Unread post by JL »

Sorry to read about your injury Morley :?
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Orthopaedic surgeon recommendations?

Unread post by heffe222 »

Hi Morley,
Very sorry to hear of your injury, and obviously suspended ski season! When you get back to Victoria, I can recommend that you see Dr. Richard Backus, Sports Medicine specialist, at the Rebalance Musculoskeletal clinic at Uptown: http://www.rebalancemd.com/

Hope all goes well with your rehab, and you can manage the inconvenience until you are on your feet again....
Geoff Hall
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