Windsurfing Track Repair

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Windsurfing Track Repair

Unread post by stephen. »

Does anyone know someone in Victoria who could swap out the mast track on my Finatic 320 fun board for a generic Chinook track? I have lost the base for it and the manufacturer no longer produces them. Aside from getting another transition board with a retractable dagger board, I think this is my best option for getting on the water. I picked up a base adaptor retrofit from Excel Watersports but am not convinced it will hold the mast.
Any suggestions would be great as the weather is getting warm and I am anxious to get this fixed.
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Unread post by Seakelp »

How old is this board?
To take the old box out and replace it with a chinook might be pricey.
I would say go for the new board.

Unread post by dwd »

pricey compared to a new board are you kidding? a new box is like a $20 part. to get it installed nicely might cost you 100 or so though. i got a bic box replaced by tom sullivan about 8 years ago, not sure if he still does work on boards though.
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Unread post by KUS »

Is the existing mast track metal? If it is, drill holes through the flat portion to accommodate the two-bolt chinook mast base (available any ws shop) and then get a chinook downhaul and universal. :D You won't be able to move the base but I don't recall doing much of that anyway, you likely have your favorite spot.

You can then reuse the whole thing on any new boards you might get in future. I did this to an old hifly, same story, and it works fine.

If you wanna do a bunch of work and need a mast track chinook box I got two in a dead board you can have for free. I am not sure any older board is worth this effort though, I know I wouldn't try that one and I recycle/repair EVERYthing. :roll: I know I'd charge you $100 just for trying this and I am not good at it.......get another used board, Windance is just giving them away these days (I suppose they are smaller, non-beginner boards mostly tho).

If possible, try the 2 bolt thing!! 8)
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Unread post by downwind dave »

that 2 bolt thing is brilliant. in another longboard ive seen a chinook box actually fit nicely into the non-standard track, it was just screwed into place.
hey for 100$ i could give the transplant a go, ive got lots of fiberglass bits and epoxy glue, no warranty though!

Unread post by kitrdan »

pricey compare to what the board is worth!!!

Unread post by stephen. »

Thanks for all of the input. The board is from the 80's. Definately the 2 bolt Chinook base would be the cheapest option - $20 bucks plus accessories. I am working on teaching my wife so would like the option of moving the sail position for her to go in lighter winds. Kus, I would greatly appreciate your donation of one of your old mast tracks. Maybe I could swing by with my board next week on an evening and see if it would be compatable with the board design. Contact me by email at
and I will give you my phone number.



New box

Unread post by Boobson »

Hey Stephen, if YOU are going to teach your wife I'd go for a big wide board. Well worth it....You might contact (BIGD) on this site. Dallas might part with one of his larger boards soonish. If you want your wife to enjoy the sport get a board she won't fall in all the time on. Just remember how much you(most of us) fell in at the beginning....frustrating, YES! If she stays up on the board and actually has a chance to learn without having to fall in cold water all the time is much more enjoyable. As well, I would get at least one lesson from a qualified instructor(W247) also on this site who is qualified and is quite good at teaching. If your wife is interested it is well worth it. If she tries it and doesn't like it.....NOT GOOD...To have a significant other that WANTS to windsurf as much as YOU do....."Money in the bank!!" my friend. So.....again BIG, WIDE, floaty board and lesson. I could not think of money better spent....well except another board and rig....HA HA!! :D
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Unread post by TomS »


I've done more than a few retro-fits to mast tracks. For most of the Euro boards a 4 1/2" long peice of 1 1/4" (or 1 1/2") wide x 1/4" thick T6- 6061 aircraft grade aluminium bar sides into most mast tracks. If you use a Chinook 2 bolt base and drill 2 holes exactly 3" apart, tap the holes with a 6mm thread tap.
Here in Victoria there is Metal Supermarkets out on 2111 Keatings X-road they will have the stock aluminium bar that fits best into your track. T6-6061 is the same grade most booms and mast extentions are made from. The two bolt chinook base will allow you to easily adjust your base position.
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