New Dallas Road Webcam

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New Dallas Road Webcam

Unread post by bwd »

The new Dallas Road Webcam is now LIVE

HUGE thanks to Gdawg (Graham) and Ryan and Dave at, for donating the webcam + streaming and for setup and installation. Also to SuperDave and Kelly for letting us drill holes in their house and for donating their internet... give them thanks + hugs and chocolate.


Static image:

Main view of Dallas/Cook:

and C-lover!

Only a few people have controls on the camera preset positions (to avoid camera mayhem). They were chosen as the most likely to usefully move the camera from Clover (SE) to Cook (West) and as being the main site supporters.

The camera has some resolution/internet issues. At times it looks great, other times it is pixelated. We've been troubleshooting for a few weeks now and finally made it live even though it's not perfect. There are some options, including trying to stream to youtube.

If you are counting, that is 5 new live webcams in 3 weeks :)

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new live webcams.....bwd rocks!

Unread post by Sandy Beach »

WOW, Super, 'Daves' and highfives all around!! Great work, daves.
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Unread post by bwd »

Please post here if you have any issues with the camera - resolution, fuzziness, timeouts, too many dogs etc. It should look similar in quality to the CB image. Thanks.

The camera looks right into the afternoon sun and glare which doesn't help, but is hard to avoid.
Last edited by bwd on Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by KUS »

no many :D

well, warmth, wind, waves....the 3W's would help, can you please arrange that :?: :twisted:
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Unread post by Snarfer »

Much thanks to everyone. I really appreciate it. :D
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