Windfoiling Gordon's and Esquimalt Lagoon

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Windfoiling Gordon's and Esquimalt Lagoon

Unread post by shaggy »

Solo Gordon's. Esq Lagoon with BWD, Tweezer and Gmac ...
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Unread post by JL »

Awesome 8)
Thermals are good.
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Unread post by grantmac »

The one handed down winder at Gordons was sweet.
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Unread post by winddude »

With these winds we all need foils.
Must ... Sail... More...
Lawrence <a href="">'Wind Dude'</a> Stewart
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Unread post by more force 4 »

2:50 - 2:54 super sketch, that is very similar to how I fell on the foil wing tip, though you come down flat and the foil is nicely 1 m down. You cut out the actual fall though? I wobbled the board with crappy footwork and it 'railed up' towards me as I was going down the opposite way to the rig.

Question for you, are you ever in the back footstrap (pointing hard up wind maybe?) I've taken the back ones off my board, but reaching I have my foot where the strap would be.

Love the downwind on the swell bits!! And love the 3:00-3:10 jibe staying in the straps goofy well after the sail flip and till you have the board settled down. Looks solid, and does what Wyatt says on his vids. I must learn to do that! I've had trouble on a regular fin board doing it, is it easier with the foil (he asks hopefully!)?
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Unread post by shaggy »

Yeh, I don't feel comfortable in the back straps either, unless I'm heading upwind and it's steady. Contemplating removing them for a test. But Keen, BWD and Tweezer all dig the back straps.

Switching feet after sail flip and sailing goofy for a moment is the way I windsurf jibe anyways so it felt more natural for foil jibes.

Hope your appendage is healing up MF4 so you can get back on the blade.
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Unread post by tempy »

Back straps for upwind and foot out downwind. Your gybes resemble some of mine. Hang on to the boom MF4!
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Unread post by more force 4 »

tempy wrote: Hang on to the boom MF4!
I'd love to; but there is this thing called the sail flip. I could try and learn to foil clew first all the time for one tack, or sail on the lee side so I never have to let that damn boom out of my hands ever!

Seriously, I think that I usually jibe with the flip and footwork almost simultaneous and that makes for foil wobbles with missed boom grabs and thats what is dangerous. When I hurt myself it was feeling so smooth and stable I forgot it was the end of the day and a poor time to try something new. I just need to practice carving deep downwind, maybe even to clew first, and back again, leaving my feet in the straps, without sail flip.

Bruising is mostly gone but the haematoma is still a pretty big 'goose-egg'. It might need draining to clear up. But I'm close to ready to try again, 2 1/2 weeks later....
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Unread post by tempy »

Sounds painful. I have had the "yaw" and board flip happen as well and have so far avoided the collision with the foil.
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Unread post by grantmac »

I'm a BIG proponent of carving to dead or even past down wind as a build up to the gybe.
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back straps

Unread post by tweezer »

Depending on the foil combo I'll use the back straps. But yes, generally I use them upwind, and any other point of sail I'm out of the back strap. The balance point on my board seems to be forward and I'm often sailing with more sail than I have courage, so I'm sheeted out (unhooked) a lot and that takes weight off the mast, lifts the nose and I compensate by moving the back foot forward of the strap. There is one combo of foils (800 Front, 255 Back) where the back foot needs to be further back to fly and feels more like traditional windsurfing stance - if you have courage! So far I've found that moving the mast track doesn't seem to have a dramatic effect. Maybe I need to move it around further?
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