OR Stick Shift vs Shift

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OR Stick Shift vs Shift

Unread post by JasonD »

Anybody used both versions? Worth the extra $$ for the Shift? Thanks!
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Unread post by nanmoo »

I think you mean shift vs pilot? Stick shift is the older version of the shift, mostly just the loop changed I think.

Vs pilot, the shift adds features and is great. If you are kiting proper waves the unlimited throw is a must have IMHO.
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Unread post by JasonD »

I did mean Stick Shift vs Shift. Just wondering if the extra $$ is worth it for the newer version. If the 'loop' is the only thing that changed then I'd opt for the older version Stick Shift. Unfortunately, the 'deal' that I saw is now out of stock so may have to opt for another brand as I'm not a fan of above-the-bar de-power and can't justify the cost of a new Shift. Proper waves?? haha in my dreams! Used to think I was decent in 'proper waves' until I got a reality check in Maui, Peru and Morocco... Fun but humbling!! Thanks!!
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Unread post by nanmoo »

I guess by proper I mean more down the line side/side-off stuff where you need the kite to completely depower and chill once you are on the wave and adding apparent wind. In onshore that added throw isn't as important since you need the kite to pull you around anyways. Anywho, IMHO its still worth it. Sounds like you ride waves.
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