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  • Sailor
     Highrocker Sunday July 2, 2023
    Pipers Lgn, Wingfoiling
    This Year: 136


    Log Started:
    Tuesday January 31, 2023
    Total Records: 279
    This Year: 136

    Sunday July 2, 2023 Pipers Lgn, Wingfoiling
     Sunday July 2, 2023 Conditions TOW Toys Used:
     Pipers Lgn, Wingfoiling WNW 17 - 22
    1-3ft swell
    3.00 hours JP Australia Foil Pro 115L
    Cabrinha X3 Windows 4m
    Cabrinha X3 Windows 5m
    Axis 1020mm Carbon Front Wing 2050sqcm
    Axis Aluminum Mast 750mm
    With local venues in a state of lull, Idefix and I travelled north for some sweet Piper's goodness. 25deg air temp, empty bay, consistent 20kt winds for our first session with the 4mX3. I got in just as Uddereef and the local elite riders finished their wind play in the bigger early winds. They certainly left lots leftover for us foilers and the water in the bay was welcomingly warm. Fantastic for the poor gybe learner like me who was going to spend a lot of time in the water. the only downside was the tide movement. The early ebb made it tough to get foiling on the way back in when you hit the holes. This switched 180deg in the afternoon with the flood. Great fun playing gybe games with Idefix in the bay! Hoping to be back on Tuesday to this learner's paradise. Kinda glad for a day off the wind on Monday after 5 consecutive foiling days - unsustainable for senior citizens like me.
    GPS Track: 230702 Pipers3:23 PM to 4:33 PM
    Moving Time01:00:50
    Foiling Time 00:38:27
    Distance (km)11.1
    Speed (Max/2s/100m knots)10.8 / 10.8 / 10.5
    Number of Turns 40 (42% Foiling)
    MAX 2023 - 16.2 kt, 61 turns, 81%TOTAL 2023 - 654 km, 52.4 hours
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    Propelled by Russian Dood aka Andrey Vozhakin ©2004-